Nykredit Realkredit A/S has issued bonds in pursuance of section 33 e of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act (junior covered bonds)

Nykredit Realkredit A/S has today made a targeted bond issue out of Capital
Centre E in pursuance of section 33 e of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and
Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act (junior covered bonds). Nykredit Bank acted as
issuing agent. 

DKK 5,000,000,000.00 has been issued under ISIN DK000977187-5.

The bonds are listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen.

Inquiries may be addressed to Henrik Hjortshøj-Nielsen, Executive Vice
President, tel +45 44 55 10 40, or Nels Petersen, Head of Corporate
Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 70.


jcb - uk - 14042008.pdf