Municipality Finance Plc, admission to trading and official listing of bond with effect from 17 April 2008

Surveillance Copenhagen

Copenhagen, 15 April 2008

Municipality Finance Plc - Admission to trading and official listing of bond

It has been decided to admit the following bond for trading and official listing
with effect from 17                                                             

April 2008:

ISIN         Name                 Payments per year Maturity date
DK0030080536 0% MF USA TOP40 2014 1                 23 April 2014

The bond is denominated in DKK and will be placed under Erhvervsobligationer in 
the group                                                                       

Erhvervslån under the sub-group X-relateret, Stående lån.

For further information, please see the final terms published by Municipality   
Finance Plc.                                                                    

For further information, please contact: Jeppe Møller Nielsen, Surveillance,    
tel. +45 33 93 33 66                                                            

The Nordic Exchange

OMX NORDIC EXCHANGE COPENHAGEN A/S. P.O. Box 1040. DK-1007 Copenhagen K.        
DENMARK. Tel. +45 33 93 33 66. Fax +45 33 77 04 89. Visiting Address: Nikolaj   
Plads 6. CBR. No. 19 04 26 77. E-mail: copenhagen@omxgroup.c om.                                                                       



municipality finance - 0 mf usa top40 2014 - medd uk.pdf