The Annual General Meeting of Finnlines Plc on April 15, 2008

Finnlines Plc      Stock Exchange Release 15 April, 2008

The Annual General Meeting of Finnlines Plc on April 15, 2008

The minority shareholders (more than 10% of the shares) used their rights to
require the postponement of the handling of the closing of the books and the
discharge of the Board to a continued meeting. The meeting also decided to
postpone the Board of Directors' proposal for authorization to increase the
share capital to the same meeting. The time and place of the continued meeting
will be informed later on. 

The meeting decided that the company's Board of Directors has seven members.
Mr. Emanuele Grimaldi, Managing Director of the Atlantica S.p.a. di
Navigazione, Mr. Gianluca Grimaldi, Managing Director of Grimaldi Compagnia di
Navigazione S.p.a., Mr. Diego Pacella, Managing Director of Industria Armamento
Meridionale, Mr. Heikki Laine, Mr. Antti Pankakoski, Mr. Olav K. Rakkenes and
Mr. Jon-Aksel Torgersen, CEO of Astrup Fearnley AS, were re-elected. 
The yearly compensation to the Board will be as follows:
the chairman EUR 50 000, the vice-chairman EUR 40 000 and
the member EUR 30 000. 

The firm of authorised public accountants Deloitte & Touche Oy  was appointed
as the company's auditors. 

The Meeting of Shareholders decided to cancel the authorization to increase the
share capital by a new issue granted to the Board of Directors by the Annual
General Meeting on March 17, 2004. 

Finnlines Plc

Christer Antson
President and CEO

DISTRIBUTION        Helsinki Stock Exchange
                    Main media