IBS comments on first quarter development

IBS comments on first quarter development

IBS will report weaker than expected license sales in the first quarter. In the
US and European markets, the total signed contract value for IBS Enterprise
software has been lower than for the same period last year.

IBS license sales normally have a seasonal cycle and the majority of sales is
expected in the fourth quarter. This means that it is too early to say if this
will have a full-year effect on IBS license sales, compared with last year. IBS
market areas report that the sales prospect lists have not been affected

As IBS has stated earlier, the developed methodology in 2008 of measuring
product development cost will mean that the product development cost reported in
the Profit and Loss statement will go up during the quarter and during the whole
year. Depreciations due to earlier product development activities are higher
than last year. 

The result in the first quarter will also be affected negatively by currency
exchange difference from the operating transactions and from additional
redundancy cost.

This means that IBS will report lower Operational Result (EBIT), than the same
period last year.

For more information, please contact:

Oskar Ahlberg, Investor Relations Director, IBS AB
Tel: +46 (0)8 627 24 75
Mobile: +46 (0)70 244 24 75 

IBS (OMX Nordic Exchange STO: IBS) is a leading provider of specialized business
systems for specific industries such as publishing and book distribution,
pharmaceutical distribution, electronics, paper, food and the automotive
industry. IBS focuses on large and mid-sized companies within supply chain
management, demand-driven manufacturing, customer administration and financial
control. For further information, visit www.ibs.net

