Draft resolutions of the General Meeting

Management Board of Vilniaus Vingis AB passed the following decision on 17   
April, 2008 to approve the draft resolutions to the General Meeting to be       
convened on 29 April, 2008:                                                     
1.Company's report activity in 2007. 
To approve the Report of company's activity in 2007.                            

2.The Auditor's Report. 
To take into consideration the Auditor's opinion presented in its report,       
approving the Company's annual financial statements.                            

3.Approval of company's the financial statements for the year 2007. 
 To approve the Financial Statements for the year 2007.                         

4.Profit/loss distribution  of the year 2007.                                 
To approve the following distribution of profit (loss) of Company for the year  
1. Undistributed profit (loss) of the previous financial year at the end of the 
accounting financial year LTL -18,575,912 (EUR -5,379,956);                     
2. Net profit of the accounting financial year LTL 29,348,848 (EUR 8,500,014);  
3. Transfers from reserves LTL 6,565,626 (EUR 1,901,537);                       
4. Total distributable Profit  LTL 17,338,562 (EUR 5,021,595):                  
	4.1. share of profit for the indispensable reserve LTL 908,715 ( EUR 263,182); 
	4.2. share of profit for dividend paying LTL 16,429,847 (EUR 4,758,413);       
5. The undistributed profit (loss) at the end of the accounting financial year  
LTL 0 (EUR 0).                                                                  

As for dividends it shall be distributed LTL 1.90 (EUR 0.55) per ordinary
registered share LTL 4 per value of Vilniaus Vingis AB. In total it shall be
allocated LTL 16,429,847 (EUR 4,758,413) to dividend payment. 
From the 18 April, 2008 shareholders can familiarize with the company‘s         
documents related to the agenda of shareholders meeting and decisions projects  
of the meeting by coming to the company - Savanoriu av.176, Vilnius, on the     
company's web-site at (http://www.vingis.lt) and on the web-site of Vilnius     
Stock Exchange at http://www.baltic.omxgroup.com.                               

Director General				                                                            
Neringa Menčiūnienė                                                             
(370-5) 2392500