At April 4th Global Kids Annual Youth Conference Event in New York City, Students Provided Insight Into Critical Issues of 2008 Election

NEW YORK, April 21, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- At the Global Kids Annual Youth Conference at Baruch College, hundreds of students from more than 50 public high schools across New York City congregated to debate the most controversial issues of the 2008 election, participate in workshops to introduce them to the political process, and hear plenary speeches from political and educational leaders in New York City. Students seized the moment -- providing fresh insights into the issues and leaving as empowered and engaged young leaders.

 A live poll at the conference produced the following results:
 * Students rated "Education" the most important issue in the 2008
   Presidential Election
 * Students rated "Health Care" the second most important issue in the
   2008 Presidential Election
 * Students rated the "War in Iraq" third, and "Immigration" a close
 * Students rated the "Environment" as the fifth most important issue
 * 77% of students preferred Senator Barack Obama to run on the
   Democratic Party ticket
 * 23% of students preferred Senator Hillary Clinton to run on the
   Democratic Party ticket
 * 98% of students plan to vote Democratic in the U.S. Presidential
   election in November
 * 1% of students plan to vote Republican in the U.S. Presidential
   election in November
 * 1% of students plan to vote Other in the U.S. Presidential election
   in November

Results showed that students found the "Economy" as the sixth most important issue, and the "Role & Image of the U.S. in the World" as the seventh most important issue. Other issues that students noted were "Gay/Lesbian Marriage," the "Darfur Genocide," "Money," "Domestic Issues," "Prison Reform," "Abortions," "Taxes," "Reducing Racism," "Affordable Housing," and "Global Warming."

Eddy Mandhry, Associate Director of Programs at Global Kids, provided the morning plenary remarks. His speech about global justice, equality, and democracy roused the student crowd. Councilman Robert Jackson of the Upper West Side provided the afternoon plenary, describing to students the processes of running for public office and serving constituents. NYU student activist Sara Haile-Mariam spoke in the afternoon, addressing the critical role of youth participation in the democratic process. Representatives from the Council on Foreign Relations, Amnesty International, the Voter Assistance Commission, and the Sierra Club were among the strong speakers from a variety of organizations present at the event.

About Global Kids, Inc.

Founded in 1989, Global Kids' mission is to transform urban youth into successful students and global and community leaders by engaging them in socially dynamic, content-rich learning experiences. Through its leadership development and academic enrichment programs, Global Kids educates youth about critical international and domestic issues and promotes their engagement in civic life and the democratic process. Through professional development initiatives, Global Kids provides educators with strategies for integrating experiential learning methods and international issues into urban classrooms. Over ninety percent of the high school seniors who participate in Global Kids' leadership program graduate from high school.

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