Hedegaard A/S - deletion of ISIN

|                                      |             Copenhagen, 22 April 2008 |
Hedegaard A/S - deletion of ISIN                                                

Please be informed that the following temporary ISIN code will be deleted with  
effect from 28 April 2008:                                                      

| ISIN                      | Name                                             |
| DK0060136786              | Hedegaard, nye                                   |

The share capital in ISIN code DK0010206929 is consequently changed.            

The increase has been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. 

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66                                                                        
ISIN: DK0010206929 (VP: 1020692)                                                

| Name in Official List:                | Hedegaard                            |
| Volume before change:                 | 810,891 shares (DKK 81,089,100)      |
| Change:                               | 81,089 shares (DKK 8,108,900)        |
| Volume after change:                  | 891,980 shares (DKK 89,198,000)      |
| Denomination:                         | DKK 100                              |
| Short name:                           | HEDE                                 |
| Share type:                           | AKTIE                                |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                          | Name                                 |
| Voting rights on listed shares:       | Full                                 |
| Financial year:                       | 1 January - 31 December              |
| Unlisted capital:                     | DKK 0                                |
| Capital increase registered:          | Yes                                  |
| Issuing bank:                         | Spar Nord Bank A/S                   |
| Trading lot:                          | 10                                   |
| CBR no.:                              | 34 72 87 12                          |
| GICS:                                 | 30202010                             |
| Type:                                 | 24                                   |


hedegaard - fks - uk.pdf