Derivatives: Correction, Listing of warrants issued by UBS AG, London Branch (54/08)

Correction of Exchange Notice 51/08
Correction made to “warrants per underlying”. The correction is marked in bold in the enclosed list. Trading is suspended and will be resumed April 24th, 2008.

As from April 22nd, 2008, a total of 20 warrants issued by UBS AG, London Branch will be included on the list for Warrants, plain vanilla. The instruments have been registered at VPC AB. 

Issuer:	UBS AG, London Branch
Type of security: 	Warrants of European type
Execution:	Automatic cash settlement on expiry date
Term:	As from April 22nd, 2008 to expiry date
Market Maker:	UBS AG, London Branch

Please see enclosed list for detailed information.

Contacts for the above information: Viktoria Orhamn  +46 8 453 73 16


wkr0003.pdf wkr0009.xls