Interim Report January-March 2008

Interim Report January-March 2008

•	Net sales rose by 9% to SEK 10,043m (9,214). Excluding acquisitions, net sales
declined by 8% and by 3% in comparable exchange rates.
•	Operating income rose by 22% to SEK 1,202m (984), corresponding to a margin of
12.0% (10.7). Operating income excluding acquisitions was SEK 986m (984), margin
improved to 11.7% (10.7).

•	Income for the period was SEK 753m (613), corresponding to SEK 1.97 (1.59) per

•	Excluding acquisitions, Consumer Products reported lower sales but higher
operating income and margin. Sales, income and margin declined in the US but
were up outside North America.

•	Both sales and operating income were lower for Professional Products, 
excluding acquisitions, but margin improved. 

A telephone conference will be held at 14.00 CET on 23 April 2008. In order to
participate in the telephone conference, please call +46 (0)8 5052 0110 or +44
(0)20 7162 0025. A replay of the telephone conference will be available at the
Group's website 

This interim report comprises information which Husqvarna is required to
disclose under the Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. It was released for publication at 12.00 CET
on 23 April 2008.

