2008-04-23 Annual General Meeting of BioGaia

Press Release 
23 April 2008

Annual General Meeting of BioGaia

The Annual General Meeting of BioGaia AB on 22 April 2008 resolved unanimously
in favour of the following: 

-	that no dividend will be paid to the shareholders 
-	re-election of sitting Board members Jan Annwall, Stefan Elving, Thomas
Flinck, David Dangoor, Inger Holmström and Paula Zeilon 
-	election of Jörgen Thorball as a new Board member
-	re-election of David Dangoor as Board Chairman
-	director's fees of SEK 200,000 to be paid to the Chairman and SEK 100,000 to
each of the other Board members not employed by the Company 
-	principles for remuneration and other terms of employment of senior
executives in accordance with the Board's proposal 
-	principles for nominating committee in accordance with the proposal in the
notice of the Annual General Meeting 

Jörgen Thorball 
Born in 1962, has a background as a physician and 18 years of experience from a
number of international positions in pharmaceutical and biotech companies such
as Aventis and Pharmacia. During the period from 1999 to 2001 he was
responsible for BioGaia Health Care in Lund, at which time he laid the
foundation for part of BioGaia's current product portfolio. From 2001 to 2007
he worked for Novozymes. Jörgen is a member of the board of six small private
enterprises; Vivolution A/S, ViorGates A/S, Imotions A/S, Lina-Medical A/S,
MyC4.com A/S and Alsensa A/S. Jörgen has also been an initiative-taker for more
than 25 enterprises and organisations and is known as a visionary and debater
in the areas of innovation and modern leadership. He has recently published two
books on these subjects and also teaches in an M.B.A. programme. Jörgen holds 0
shares in BioGaia. 

All resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting are consistent with the
Board of Directors' previously published proposals. 

Latest press releases from BioGaia:
2008-04-22	BioGaia Interim report 1 January - 31 March 2008
2008-04-21	BioGaia signs agreement for Belgium and Luxembourg
2008-03-19	Notice of Annual General Meeting of BioGaia AB

For additional information contact: 
Peter Rothschild, Managing Director, telephone: +46 8 - 555 293 00, 
Jan Annwall, Deputy Managing Director telephone: +46 8 - 555 293 00
BioGaia is a biotechnology company that develops, markets and sells probiotic
products with documented health benefits. The products are primarily based on
the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri (Reuteri), which has probiotic,
health-enhancing effects. The class B share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB is
quoted on the Small Cap list of the Nordic Stock Exchange in Stockholm. 
