Disciplinary Committee at OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm issues warnings to Ångpanneföreningen and Getinge

The listed company AB Ångpanneföreningen and Getinge AB has contravened the     
rules that apply at OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm by failing to disclose their  
financial statements in the correct manner. The Exchange's Disciplinary         
Committee has decided that each company will given a warning.                   

In accordance with OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm's listing agreement, financial 
statement and interim reports must be published in a manner that ensures that   
the information is made available to the public rapidly and in a                
non-discriminatory manner. No later than simultaneously, the information shall  
be disclosed to the Exchange in the manner instructed by the Exchange and shall 
be made available on the company's website as soon as possible. The listed      
company is obligated to ensure that information concerning the report does not  
“leak” in advance.                                                              

Ångpanneföreningen published its financial statement for the full year 2007 on  
February 19, 2008 at 9:16 a.m. However, information from the report had been    
available from 9:05 a.m. on the company's web page and available at the news    
agency SIX at 9:07 a.m.                                                         

Getinge published its financial statement on January 28, 2008 at 12:17 p.m. for 
the full year 2007. However, information from the report had been available at  
12:08 p.m. on the company's web page and available at the news agency Ticker at 
12:13 p.m.                                                                      

Both Ångpanneföreningen and Getinge have consequently been contravening the     
rules by making the financial statements available on the respective web pages  
before the formal disclosure. In contrast to recent incidents of a similar      
character, these incidents haven't resulted from faulty procedures by the       
respective companies, but rather to accidental errors in handling. The          
Disciplinary Committee found that the transgressions were less severe and it    
will only issue a warning to each of the companies.                             

The following persons participated in the Committee's decision: Johan Munck,    
Marianne Lundius, Madeleine Leijonhufvud, Hans Mertzig and Ragnar Boman.        
For further information:                                                        
Jonas Rodny, OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm	+46 (0)8-405 72 67                   

About the Disciplinary Committee | The role of OMX Nordic Exchange in           
Stockholm's Disciplinary Committee is to consider suspicions regarding whether  
Exchange Members, brokers or listed companies have breached the rules and       
regulations applying on the Exchange. If the Exchange suspects that a member,   
broker or listed company has acted in breach of the Exchange's rules and        
regulations, the matter is reported to the Disciplinary Committee. The Exchange 
investigates the suspicions and pursues the matter and the Disciplinary         
Committee issues a ruling regarding possible sanctions. The sanctions possible  
for listed companies are a warning, a fine or delisting. The fines that may be  
imposed range from one to 15 annual fees. The sanctions possible for Exchange   
Members are a warning, a fine or debarment, while brokers may be warned or have 
their brokerage license rescinded. The Disciplinary Committee's Chairman and    
Deputy Chairman must be lawyers with experience of serving as judges. At least  
two of the other members of the Committee must have in-depth insight into the   
workings of the securities market.                                              

Members: Supreme Court Justice Johan Munck (Chairman), Supreme Court Justice    
Marianne Lundius (Deputy Chairman), Madeleine Leijonhufvud (professor), Stefan  
Erneholm (company director) and Hans Mertzig (company director). Deputy Members:
Hans Edenhammar (MBA), Claes Beyer (lawyer), Jack Junel (company director),     
Ragnar Boman (MBA) and Carl Johan Högbom (MBA).


af getinge - pressmeddelande_eng.pdf