Larox establishes a service center in Russia

LAROX CORPORATION 	COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT 25.4.2008    at 3 pm                    

Larox establishes a service center in Russia                                    

Larox establishes a subsidiary responsible for after sales services in Russia.  
In the service center, situated south of Moscow, will be customer support       
engineers and spare parts stock. The aim is that the service center is fully    
operational at the beginning of 2009.                                           

“The establishment of the subsidiary aims at improving our ability to serve     
current and new customers in the important and growing Russian markets. The     
local spare parts stock shortens delivery times and improves our customer       
service, which creates prerequisites to growth of sales. Furthermore, we believe
that local service operations improve our competitiveness to sell also new      
filtration solutions”, says Mr. Juhana Ylikojola, Vice President, Service.      

For further information                                                         

Mr Juhana Ylikojola                                                             
Vice President, Service                                                         

Tel  +358 (0) 20 7687 266                                                       
Fax  +358 (0) 20 7687 277                                                       


Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, central media                                                                              

Larox develops, designs and manufactures industrial filters and is a leading    
technology company in its field. Larox is a full service solution provider in   
filtration for separating solids from liquids. It supplies comprehensive        
aftermarket services throughout the lifespan of the Larox solution. Companies   
world-wide in mining and metallurgy, chemical processing and related industries 
benefit from the Larox technologies. Larox operates in over 40 countries and has
over 460 employees. Larox Group is headquartered in Lappeenranta, Finland where 
the Group also has production facilities. Net sales in 2007 totaled 158.3       
million euros, of which more than 95 % were generated by exports and the        
company's foreign operations.