- First quarter 2008 - Increased international activities boost revenues

The aggressive commitment by Aker Seafoods as a leading European seafood
company is yielding results. Group operating revenues came to NOK 791 million
in the first quarter 2008, compared to NOK 755 million in the same period the
previous year. EBITDA was NOK 73 million as against NOK 96 million. 
Underlying growth in Aker Seafoods is stronger than the interim accounts for
the first quarter indicate. Fewer harvesting and production days as a result of
the early Easter meant lower revenues and results in the first quarter 2008,
while Easter affected the second quarter of the previous year. Typically, the
company's customers - the large grocery chains - reduce purchases at such
public holidays and thereby lower revenues for the Aker Seafoods processing

Throughout the first quarter in 2008, Aker Seafoods' position in Europe is
further strengthened. The recently acquired Viviers de France is included in
the company's accounts as of 2008 and contributes to significant growth.
Through this strategic acquisition, Aker Seafoods has ensured closeness to
France and central Europe. These are major markets with a growing demand for
seafood. Aker Seafoods is making a particular commitment to consumer-packed
seafood in these markets, and its range includes whitefish, farmed cod, salmon
and trout. Viviers de France started the producing new sushi products in 2007
and expects its sales of sushi to increase with over 50 percent. 

- The possibilities are many in a constantly growing market in Europe. We are
focusing on improving the product mix though the development of new products,
and thereby have the opportunity to offer a broader choice in products as well
as increased volumes. This week we have participated at the world's largest
seafood exhibition in Brussels, and have met with both current and potential
customers. The feedback is promising and there is a large interest in
sustainable fisheries as well as the dietary health benefits of seafood. Aker
Seafoods has already entered into agreements to produce environmental branded
saithe and expects to start its production in the second half of 2008. I'm
excited about the company's future, says CEO Yngve Myhre 

Harvesting in the first quarter revealed good availability of cod, but the
saithe fishery was rather more challenging than at the same time last year. The
total catch for Aker Seafoods was 15 per cent lower during the first three
months of the year than in with the first quarter of 2007. This primarily
reflected lower volumes of saithe in the North Sea and above the 62nd parallel.
The company expects to compensate for this volume later in 2008. 

- We will continue to promote better regulations and increased quota
flexibility. An increased flexibility will both strengthen the fleet and
processing segment, as well as secure a better and more stable workplace for
our employees, says Myhre. 

The first-quarter accounts were affected by a strong Norwegian krone and high
oil prices. The Norwegian krone was strengthened by 16 per cent against the US
dollar and 15 per cent against the pound sterling from the first quarter of
2007, and by 27 per cent against the Icelandic krona. Although such exchange
rate changes affect the prices in the market, the company is maintaining its
goal of achieving just over NOK 3 billion in sales for 2008. 

For further information, please contact:
Yngve Myhre, CEO Aker Seafoods ASA. Telephone 24 13 01 60
Gunnar Aasbø, CFO Aker Seafoods ASA. Telephone 24 13 01 60


aks interim report q1 2008.pdf aks presentation q1 2008.pdf