Interim Report January - March 2008

Interim Report January - March 2008

•  Net sales decreased by 3.0% to SEK 24,193m (24,930) and income for the period
amounted to SEK -106m (492), or SEK -0.38 (1.76) per share

•  Operating income declined to SEK -39m (757), excluding items affecting
comparability. The decline is partly due to negative non-recurring items
amounting to SEK 430m and costs relating to the US launch amounting to SEK 120m

•  Lower sales volumes, due to the sharp decline in the US market, adversely
affected operating income for appliances in North America

•  Weak markets in Western Europe and increased product costs had a negative
impact on operating income for appliances in Europe 

•  Strong results for appliances in Latin America, Asia/Pacific, floor-care
products and Professional Products

•  Outlook: Operating income in 2008 is expected to be in line with 2007

For more information
Peter Nyquist, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial Information: +46
8 738 60 03
Financial information from Electrolux is also available at

The information in this report is that which Electrolux is required to disclose
under the Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the Financial
Instruments Trading Act. It was released for publication at 08.00 CET on April
28, 2008. 

