- Icelandair Group puts new emphasis on Tourism Services

•  Forms a new travel agency
•  Focuses on the most popular holiday package trip destinations of Icelanders
   and incoming tourism 
•  Hördur Gunnarsson, former director of Ferdaskrifstofa Islands joins
   Icelandair Group 

Icelandair Group has decided to focus on increased activity in the tourism and
travel sector and Hördur Gunnarsson, former director of Ferdaskrifstofa Islands
will join Icelandair Group and take a seat on the board of companies within the

“We see great opportunities for Icelandair Group in this market and we know we
have the experience, expertise and equipment to be successful and gain market
share quickly. We have not emphasized general travel agency activity within the
Group or offered services to Icelanders going on vacations on charter flights.
Hördur Gunnarsson has vast experience in this field and he will lead the build
up of this activity within the Group. We see lots of synergy in the
organization of both outgoing and incoming traffic, for instance in the
utilization of the Group's aircraft fleet, “says Björgolfur Johannsson, CEO of
Icelandair Group. 

Hördur will take seat on the board of travel service companies in Icelandair
Group and will be the executive chairman of Iceland Travel, a company
specialized in incoming tourism. He will work with the present management in
expanding the travel agency activity of Icelandair Group, both incoming tourism
and the holiday package trips production for the Icelandic market. 

Hördur finished his business degree from the University of Iceland in 1981 and
is a registered accountant. He was the managing director of the Ferdaskrifstofa
Islands for 15 years, from 1990-2006. He is married to Hrönn Björnsdóttir and
they have three children.