Lappland Goldminers AB - Lappland Goldminers - Lead-silver mineralization has been encountered in the bedrock at Lagbäcken

Lappland Goldminers AB (publ), listed on First North and the
Norwegian OTC list, has since 2004 carried out several exploration
campaigns in the Gubbträsk area.  After a drilling program at
Lagbäcken, which has now been completed, the mother lode for high
grade lead-silver mineralized boulders, which were reported in August
2007, have most probably been located.
Lappland Goldminers is since 2004 carrying out exploration work for
gold and base metals in the Gubbträsk area, on the Gold Line in the
municipality of Storuman. In a press release of 8/28/07 the Company
reported interesting lead-silver discoveries in boulders at
Lagbäcken. They were thought to be local, due to their shape and
Geochemical sampling of the surface and bottom till from extensive
excavations and geophysical surveys delineated a target area, which
has been drilled by 8 core drill holes totalling 990 m. The best
result is in drillhole LAB200806, in which a 6 m wide section with
6.6 % lead and 59.7 g/t silver is part of a 23 m wide section from
47.3 - 70.3 m with 2.2 % lead and 19.9 g/t silver. The galena
mineralization of breccia type is rich in silver and occurs in
granodiorite.  It has so far been intersected for a length of 150 m
in a north-south direction, and has been partially indicated down to
a depth of 100 m at a width of 6-7 m with extensive breccia
mineralizations in connection with the main mineralization.
The type of mineralization, lead-silver, is a third type of
mineralization in the Gubbträsk area, where previously gold-arsenic
and zinc-lead-silver mineralizations have been indicated. 
All assay results are not yet at hand from the latest drilling but
results so far available and from the visual inspection of drill
cores, the extension of the mineralized zone can be predicted with
great certainty to initiate a new drilling program. In the first
phase another 5 core drill holes totalling 500 m will be drilled to
evaluate the mineral resource. The purpose of the drilling program,
which will be started in May, is to follow up the continuation of the
mineralization towards north.
Link to the drilling results for Lagbäcken
Link to overview map and drilling map
Assay results so far obtained from the 2007 and 2008 drilling have
been published on the web page of Lappland Goldminers.
- The Companys' exploration activities are systematic and successful.
The results of our exploration work and the assay results obtained
show that we are getting closer to an important breakthrough in the
Gubbträsk area. A major advantage and potential for the projects in
the area is the proximity to the Blaiken processing plant. We are
looking forward to the facilities getting back into operations, and
we are convinced that the conditions are favourable for collaboration
or joint venture with others with an interest in the Blaiken plant,
says Lappland Goldminers MD Karl-Åke Johansson.
Gubbträsk is located about 25 km east of Storuman and about 65 km NNW
of Fäboliden, where the Company plans to establish a Central
Processing Plant to process the ores from the Gold Line. Lagbäcken
exploration project is situated on exploration permit Gubbträsk No.4
and is located about 4 km SE of the Central Gubbträsk area, where
extensive exploration work have been carried out by Lappland
Goldminers AB.
The technical information of this press release has been reviewed by
Leif Carlson a Qualified Person (QP) and a Director of the Board of
Lappland Goldminers AB.
For additional information about our exploration methods, about this
project, or about the Company, visit our website.
For additional information:

Karl-Åke Johansson, CEO              Tomas Björklund, Board Member
Ph. +46 950 275 01, +46 70 625 22 57 Ph. +46 70 662 35

Also please refer to: 
About Mangold Fondkommission:
Lappland Goldminers AB  is an exploration  company, and, through  the
acquisition of  the  gold mine  and  processing plant  Pahtavaara  in
Finland, also a producing  mining company. The  company is listed  on
the market  place "First  North" under  the name  GOLD, with  Mangold
Fondkommission AB as the Certified Adviser, as well as the  Norwegian
OTC list. Lappland Goldminers has  secured a number of gold  deposits
along the so-called Guldlinjen ("The Gold Line") in Västerbotten. The
Company's strategy is to develop a profitable, producing gold company
with a centrally  located processing plant  in Fäboliden, Sweden,  in
the Haveri area in Finland, and Pahtavaara in northern Finland, which
is supported by  ore from  one or  several mines  either through  the
Company's own exploration or alternatively through acquisitions.
The company is a member of SveMin, the trade association for mines,
minerals and metal producers in Sweden (formerly called the Swedish
Mining Association) and follows SveMin's reporting rules for public
mining and exploration companies.


Overview map and drilling map PDF Drilling results for Lagbacken PDF Press release PDF