On the basis of Annual Accounts Law, Commercial Law and Law on the Financial    
Instruments Market, in the annual general meeting of the joint-stock company    
„Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” there was a jury auditor elected to perform the     
audit of the company's Annual Report for year 2007, and in due time there has   
been an agreement concluded by the Management Board with the auditor about      
auditing of the Annual Report. Non-audited financial report for 12 months period
of 2007 has been published by the „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” in due course in  
conformity with the provisions of Law on the Financial Instruments Market and   
Riga Stock Exchange Rules on February 28, 2008. All materials related to the    
Annual Report 2007 have been submitted to the auditor for auditing in due time  
and it regularly carries on the work in respect of audit of the Annual Report.  
According to the information of the auditor, the audit of the Annual Report 2007
will be finished and the auditor's report shall be issued in the terms which    
will ensure fulfillment of the provisions of the Section 66 Part 1 of Annual    
Accounts Law. As soon as the auditor's report is received, the company shall    
publish it immediately.                                                         

The Management Board of the                                                     
JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca”