DFDS sharpens its strategic focus: Sells four Lithuanian tramp vessels

Company announcement                                                            

                                                                    No.: 10/2008
                                                         Copenhagen, 6 May 2008 

DFDS sharpens its strategic focus:                                              
Sells four Lithuanian tramp vessels                                             

When the DFDS Group presented its new strategy in September 2007, it stated that
the subsidiary DFDS LISCO's tramp activities did not produce significant        
synergies with the Group's other business areas, and therefore, it was to be    
sold. The aim was to focus on being a shipping network with the five business   
areas: Ro-Ro Shipping, Passenger Shipping, Container Shipping, Terminal Services
and Trailer Services.                                                           

This decision has now been carried out and the four tramp (multipurpose) ships  
“Rasa”, “Aukse”, “Vytautas” and “Gediminas" have been sold to Greek interests.  
The ships will gradually be delivered from the end of May.                      

In order to prepare for the sale, the tramp activities have been transferred to 
a new company, Aura Shipping. Aura Shipping will continue to crew the vessels   
until they have been handed over to the new owner. “The sale will affect around 
80 Lithuanian employees and we will of course continue to examine all           
opportunities to safeguard the jobs of as many employees as possible,” says     
Peder Gellert Pedersen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DFDS LISCO AB, the 
sole shareholder of Aura Shipping.                                              

Impact on Group profit                                                          

The proceeds from the sale of the ships will reduce the cash flow of the year's 
expected investments by approximately DKK 150 m. The profit from the sale of the
ships amounts to approximately DKK 20 m.                                        

The expectation of a full year profit before tax of approximately DKK 500 m for 
the Group is maintained as a result of the great uncertainty over market        
developments for the rest of 2008, and therefore the level of activity in DFDS' 
market areas.                                                                   

Copenhagen, 6 May 2008                                                          

Further Information:                                                            
Vice President, Communications, Gert Jakobsen +45 24 40 00 43                   

The DFDS Group operates a leading, sea-based transport network in Northern      
Europe that is based on a fleet of 64 ships, comprising cruise ferry ships,     
Ro-Ros, combined freight/passenger ships and container ships as well as         
terminals and a trailer network linked to the routes. The company has 4,400     
employees in 14 countries. DFDS is head-quartered in Copenhagen and is listed on
OMX The Nordic Exchange Copenhagen.                                             

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