Cencorp Corporation Interim Report for 1 January - 31 March 2008

CENCORP CORPORATION     INTERIM REPORT   13.05.2008    9:00 am

Cencorp Corporation Interim Report for 1 January - 31 March 2008                

January-March 2008                                                              

Net sales amounted to 			EUR 4.5 (3.8) million                                  
Operating profit (EBIT) totalled 		EUR -0.1 (-1.0) million                      
Profit before taxes was			EUR -0.3 (-1.3) million                               
Equity ratio stood at			15.1% (-2.3 %).                                         

The figures given for comparison are those for the restated corresponding period
in the previous year unless otherwise stated.                                   
The interim report has been prepared in compliance with the recording and       
valuation principles of the IFRS Standards but that not all the requirements of 
the IAS 34 Standard have been complied with.                                    

Group's key figures                                                             

| (unaudited)                      |             |              |              |
| EUR 1,000                        |    1-3/2008 |     1-3/2007 |    1-12/2007 |
| Net sales                        |       4 495 |        3 820 |       20 323 |
| Operating profit/loss (EBIT)     |         -71 |       -1 018 |       -1 060 |
| % of net sales                   |      -1,6 % |      -26,6 % |       -5,2 % |
| Profit/loss before taxes (EBT)   |        -307 |       -1 335 |       -3 889 |
| % of net sales                   |      -6,8 % |      -34,9 % |      -19,1 % |
| Research and development costs   |         211 |          203 |          896 |
| % of net sales                   |       4,7 % |        5,3 % |        4,4 % |
| Equity ratio, %                  |      15,1 % |       -2,3 % |       13,7 % |
| Personnel on average             |         128 |          139 |          134 |
| Personnel at the end of period   |         125 |          132 |          133 |
| Profit/share, EUR, diluted       |       -0,01 |        -0,05 |        -0,12 |
| Profit/share, EUR, undiluted     |       -0,01 |        -0,04 |        -0,11 |

Net sales and earnings performance                                              

January-March 2008                                                              

Net sales in January-March 2008 totalled EUR 4.5 million (EUR 3.8 million) while
operating profit amounted to EUR -0.1 million (EUR -1.0 million). The Group's   
net financial items were EUR -0.2 (-0.3) million. Profit before taxes totalled  
EUR -0.3 (-1.3) million. The net profit for the period was EUR -0.3 (-1.3)      
million. Earnings per share were EUR -0.01 (-0.05).                             

Equipment investments made in the electronic industry for the First half of the 
year are typically lower than second half. However we managed to increase our   
revenue with 15% and Ebit improved EUR 1 million. This shows that we have been  
able to improve both our internal efficiency and product margins despite tough  

Balance sheet and financing                                                     

The balance sheet figures at 31 March 2008 are compared to those at 31 December 

At the end of the review period, the balance sheet total was EUR 15.5 (17.5)    
million. The company's cash flow after investments was EUR 1.5   million, while 
interest-bearing net debts at the end of the review period amounted to EUR 9.7  
(10.8) million. Accounts receivables were EUR 4.5 (6.4) million, and inventories
were EUR 4.4 (4.3) million.                                                     

Non-interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 3.2 (3.7) million and interest 
bearing liabilities to EUR 10.1 (11.0) million. The equity ratio was 15.1 %     
(-2.3%). Gross investments in January-March totalled EUR 0.02 (0.05) million, or
0.5 % (1.2%) of the period's net sales, and mainly came from product            

Events in the review period                                                     

Details about events in the review period are available in Cencorp Corporation's
stock exchange releases on Cencorp Corporation's website at www.cencorp.com.    

Cencorp Corporation writes down deferred tax assets                             

Consolidated financial statements of Cencorp Corporation per December 31, 2005  
included deferred tax assets worth of 1.690 million euros. Deferred tax assets  
were also noticed in the interim reports April 27, 2006, August 17, 2006,       
October 19, 2006 and in the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2006 
and in the interim reports May 10, 2007, August 21, 2007 and November 6, 2007.  

Company has reappraised booking principles based on IAS 12.34 - 36 and IAS 12.56
of deferred tax assets. Furthermore, as part of an internal evaluation process  
related to the preparation of financial statements January 1- December 31, 2007 
company has discussed with the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority          
concerning interpretation of IFRS standards.                                    

Based on the above referred, the Board of Directors of Cencorp Corporation have 
decided to adjust reference data concerning booking of deferred tax assets of   
years 2005 and 2006 according to IAS 8 in financial statements 2007.            
Corresponding adjustment concerning reference data will be included also to the 
interim reports dated on April 27, 2006, August 17, 2006, October 19, 2006, May 
10, 2007, August 21, 2007 and November 6, 2007. Figures are not audited. Based  
on included adjustment, the  deferred tax assets will not be included anymore in
the financial statements January 1- December 31, 2007.                          

Adjustment affects to the equity of the consolidated Cencorp Corporation but not
to the equity of the parent company, so it is not relevant when calculating the 
equity ratio of Cencorp Corporation.                                            

Public warning by The Financial Supervision Authority to Cencorp Corporation    
Cencorp Corporation has today been notified of the following decision by the    
Financial  Supervision   Authority                                              


The Financial Supervision Authority (FIN-FSA) has issued a public warning to    
Cencorp Corporation for neglect of the disclosure obligation.                   

The FIN-FSA is of the view that Cencorp's conduct has repeatedly during the year
2006 been in violation of financial markets provisions, since it has provided   
unjustified estimates of the company's prospects and has delayed the correction 
of these estimates and because, due to the recognition of a deferred tax asset, 
has failed to give a true and fair view of the result of the company's          
operations and financial position in its financial statements for 2005 and 2006.
Due to the continuous and repetitive nature of the company's misconduct, FIN-FSA
is of the opinion that the company's behavior qualifies for a public warning.   

The prospects of the company's net sales and results published by Cencorp in    
2006 were unjustified, since in publishing its prospects, the company failed to 
pay due attention to its actual performance and uncertainties related to its    
business operations, such as changes in customers' purchasing behavior and      
tightening of the competitive situation. The further the period proceeded, the  
clearer the excessive optimism of the prospects became. The company revised its 
prospects during the period, but these changes were inadequate and were not made
without undue delay. The company has failed to provide sufficient justifications
for the guidance it issued.                                                     

The financial statements for 2005 and 2006 failed to give a true and fair view  
of the result of the company's operations and financial position, as the        
consolidated financial statements contained a material error. The company should
not have recognized deferred tax assets for the carry forward of unused tax     
losses in its consolidated financial statements for years 2005 and 2006. The    
criteria for recognizing a deferred tax asset for carry forward of unused tax   
losses were not met, since the company had a history of recent losses and it    
could not present in its consolidated financial statements for 2005 and 2006    
other convincing evidence, as required by IAS 12 Income Taxes, that sufficient  
taxable profit would be available against which the unused tax losses could be  
utilized. The amount of the error was material, since the deferred tax asset,   
the recognition criteria of which was not met, amounted to 24% of equity in the 
consolidated balance sheet on 31 December 2005, and 51% of equity on 31 December
2006. The company announced its decision to restate in its financial statements 
for 2007 the comparative figures for 2005 and 2006 concerning the deferred tax  

This is the first public warning issued by the FIN-FSA. A public warning is an  
administrative sanction, which the FIN-FSA has been authorized to issue since   

The decision is not legally final as Cencorp Corporation has the right to appeal
the decision, issued on 3 March 2008, with the Market Court within 30 days of   
receiving the decision.                                                         

FINANCIAL SUPERVISION AUTHORITY”                                                

Cencorp Corporation has made an internal investigation in the matter and        
restated in its financial statements for 2007 the comparative figures for 2005  
and 2006 concerning the deferred tax asset as released on January 18, 2008.     

Opinion of Cencorp Corporation is that company has acted diligently in the      
matter and given the answers requested to the Financial Supervision Authority.  

According to the decision of the Financial Supervision Authority the matter as a
whole does not require any stricter actions.                                    

Auditor's report of Cencorp Corporation                                         
The Board of Cencorp Corporation has been informed of auditor's report          
concerning the financial year January 1 - December 31, 2007. The content of the 
auditor's report is as follows:                                                 

 “AUDITORS´ REPORT                                                              

 To the shareholders of Cencorp Oyj                                             

We have audited the accounting records, the report of the Board of Directors,   
the financial statements and the administration of Cencorp Oyj for the period   
1.1.-31.12.2007. The Board of Directors and the Managing Director have prepared 
the consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU, as well as the report of the
Board of Directors and the parent company's financial statements, prepared in   
accordance with prevailing regulations in Finland, containing the parent        
company's balance sheet, in-come statement, cash flow statement and notes to the
financial statements. Based on our audit, we express an opinion on the          
consolidated financial statements, as well as on the report of the Board of     
Directors, the parent company's financial statements and the administration.    

We conducted our audit in accordance with Finnish Standards on Auditing. Those  
standards require that we perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the report of the Board of Directors and the financial statements are   
free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining on a test basis      
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the report and in the        
financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant  
estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial   
statement presentation. The purpose of our audit of the administration is to    
examine whether the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director 
of the parent company have complied with the rules of the Companies Act.        

The balance sheet of the parent company includes EUR 3,2 million receivables    
from unprofitable subsidiaries. As mentioned in the report of Board of          
Directors, the repayment of these receivables depends on the profitable         
performance of the subsidiaries in the future. The balance sheet of the parent  
company includes goodwill of EUR 1,2 million and the consolidated balance sheet 
includes corresponding goodwill of EUR 2,0 million. The balance sheet of the    
parent company and the consolidated balance sheet include incomplete product    
development projects of EUR 1,3 million. As it is stated in the notes to the    
financial statements the valuation of these assets depends on how the           
profitability of the company develops in the future.                            

Consolidated financial statements                                               

In our opinion the consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance    
with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU, give a   
true and fair view, as defined in those standards and in the Finnish Accounting 
Act, of the consolidated results of operations as well as of the financial      

Parent company's financial statements, report of the Board of Directors and     

In our opinion the parent company's financial statements have been prepared in  
accordance with the Finnish Accounting Act and other applicable Finnish rules   
and regulations. The parent company's financial statements give a true and fair 
view of the parent company's result of operations and of the financial position.

In our opinion the report of the Board of Directors has been prepared in        
accordance with the Finnish Accounting Act and other applicable Finnish rules   
and regulations. The report of the Board of Directors is consistent with the    
consolidated financial statements and the parent company's financial statements 
and gives a true and fair view, as defined in the Finnish Accounting Act, of the
result of operations and of the financial position.                             

The consolidated financial statements and the parent company's financial        
statements can be adopted and the members of the Board of Directors and the     
Managing Directors of the parent company can be discharged from liability for   
the period audited by us. The proposal by the Board of Directors regarding the  
disposal of distributable funds is in compliance with the Companies Act.”       

 Changes in group structure                                                     

There were no changes in the group structure during the review period.          
Board, management and personnel                                                 

At the end of the review period, Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors       
consisted of Mr. Jorma Kielenniva, Chairman, LL.M. with court training, Mr.     
Markku Jokela, Deputy Chairman, B.Sc. (Eng) and Mr. Sauli Kiuru, member, M.Sc.  
(Econ). The company's management team comprised of Mr. Jouni Suutarinen (CEO),  
Mr. Jarmo Kanervo (finance and administration), Mr. Ville Parpola (legal affairs
), Mr. Kimmo Akiander (sales and marketing), Mr. Sami Lahokoski (production),   
Mr. Hannu Seppälä (testing business) and Mr. Pekka Kettunen (product            

Cencorp employed an average of 128 (139) people from January to March. The      
payroll at the end of the period totalled 125 (132) employees: 108 (107), or 87%
(81%), in Finland and 16 (25), or 13% (19%), abroad.                            

Notifications pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 9, Of  The Securities Market Act   

There were no notifications pursuant to chapter 2, section 9, of the Securities 
Market Act during the review period.                                            

Events after the review period                                                  

Details about events after the review period are available in Cencorp           
Corporation's stock exchange releases on Cencorp's website at www.cencorp.com   

Cencorp Corporation appealed to Market Court concerning public warning by       
Financial Supervision Authority                                                 

Cencorp Corporation has appealed to Market Court concerning public warning given
by the Financial Supervision Authority on March 3, 2008. Company appeals the    
decision of Financial Supervision Authority and claims that Market Court        
overrules the decision in its totality.                                         

Opinion of Cencorp Corporation is that company has acted diligently in the      
matter and given the answers requested to the Financial Supervision Authority.  

Decisions of the annual general meeting of Cencorp Corporation held on April 17,

The financial statements for the fiscal year 2007 were approved. In accordance  
with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that no dividend shall be paid for   
the fiscal year January 1 - December 31, 2007. Likewise, it was resolved that   
the net loss of the fiscal year 2007 will be entered in the retained earnings   
account. Release from liability for the fiscal year January 1 -  December 31,   
2007 was granted to the members of the parent company's Board and the CEO.      

The Annual General Meeting passed a resolution to elect four members to the     
Board. The previous members elected to the Board were Mr. Markku Jokela and Mr. 
Sauli Kiuru. New members are M.Sc, MBA, Mr. Turo Levänen (b. 1960) and Attorney,
LL.M, Mr. Ari Anttonen (b. 1962).                                               

Turo Levänen has acted as CEO of Proventure AG, as Investment Director of Suomen
Teollisuussijoitus Oy, as CEO of Fimet Oy and as Branch of Industry Director in 
SITRA. Ari Anttonen works as Lawyer in Bützow Attorneys Ltd. He has acted as    
Director in Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, as General Counsel in Mutual
Pension Insurance Company Eläke-Varma and as Director of Finance in Postipankki 

At the Board's organization meeting that was held after the Annual General      
Meeting, Turo Levänen was elected Chairman of the Board and Ari Anttonen Vice   
Chairman of the Board. Cencorp´s Vice President, Legal Affairs Mr. Ville Parpola
continues as the secretary of the board. Ari Anttonen and Turo Levänen were     
elected as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Mr Anttonen was
elected as the Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee.           

Tilintarkastus Tuokko Oy was elected as the Company's auditor, with Authorised  
Public Accountant Timo Tuokko to be the primarily responsible auditor.          

In accordance with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that the Board of      
Directors of the company is  authorized to resolve on the issuance of shares and
stock options and other special rights entitling to shares subject to chapter   
10, section 1 of the Companies Act as follows.                                  

The aggregate number of shares issued on the basis of the authorization may not 
exceed 10,000,000 shares. The Board of Directors is authorized to resolve on all
the terms and conditions concerning the issue of shares and stock options and   
other special rights entitling to shares. Issuance of shares and other special  
rights entitling to shares can be carried out as a directed issue. Authorization
is valid until further notice, however not more than five years from the        
decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.                         

Business environment and customers                                              

Continuous demand for improved efficiency and newer ending cost cuttings are    
typical trends for the electronic industry, especially for EMS-companies.       
OEM customers are very demanding and sourcing agreement decisions and partner   
selections are made at very late phase. This leads into situation, that EMS     
companies has to delay capacity investment decisions into very late moment.     
This has direct impact to an equipment manufacturing companies like Cencorp,    
thus generating occasionally very tight delivery schedules.                     

Euro is expected to keep strong against US dollar. This has set some challenges 
in machine pricing, especially in US. Apex exhibition, which was held in March  
at Las Vegas USA, is one of the leading trade shows in electronics industry.    
Exhibition was a success for Cencorp and we got some hard orders, even during   
the exhibition, which hasn't happened within several years. Us government has   
approved some investment support packages for smaller industries, and that may  
generate some unexpected demand for Cencorp products in 2008.                   

Market overview in Europe has remained rather steady. Cencorp sales in Europe   
are mainly focused in automotive and industrial electronics.                    
Asian markets are expected to develop steadily. Cencorp sales in Asia is focused
in lower cost equipments and test products.                                     

Research and development                                                        

Manufacturing of new Cencorp 1001 product line started as planned within first  
quarter and deliveries are started during the second quarter.                   
Cencorp 1001 product line will replace some older generation products,          
originally designed and manufactured in USA.                                    

The R&D expenses for January-March totalled 4.7% of net sales, or EUR 0.2 (0.2) 

Share performance and changes in ownership                                      

The price of the company's share ranged from EUR 0.18  (1-3/2007: EUR 0.30) to  
EUR 0.25 (1-3/2007: EUR 0.46) over the review period, the average share price   
being EUR 0.22 (1-3/2007: EUR 0.40). A total of  2,061,956   (1-3/2007:         
2,824,538) shares, or 6.0% (1-3/2007: 8.2 %) of the company's entire share      
capital, were traded during the period.                                         

The company's market capitalisation at the end of the review period was EUR 10  
million (1-3/2007: EUR 11 million).                                             

At the end of the review period, the company had 5 316 registered shareholders  
(1-3/2007 6,006). A total of  164 413  shares were nominee registered (1-3/2007:
317,373), i.e., 0.4% (1-3/2007: 0.9 %). Cencorp had a total of   46,964,875     
shares outstanding at the end of the review period (1-3/2007: 34,250,591), and  
one share series.                                                               

Outlook for the future                                                          

Despite improved profitability, competitive situation and general markets       
situation remains challenging. Thus Cencorp continues to improve internal       
efficiency. A development program was started at the end of Year 2007 to further
reduce lead times significantly without loosing capabilities to provide         
customized products.                                                            

The development of the laser technology related to semiconductor business are   
has taken much more time than expected. Cencorp's Board of Director's has       
decided that the know how generated from laser product development project will 
be utilized also into electronic industry and especially in cutting of Printed  
Circuit Boards. This project is estimated to generate cash flow during year     
2009. Cencorp is updating it's laser business strategy and will give more       
information on August 21, 2008 when publishing interim report for the period of 
January 1-June 30, 2008.                                                        

Future risks and uncertainty factors                                            

Short lead times and difficulties to predict customer demand are the biggest    
risks in terms of adjusting demand and supply. Sales volume development has the 
biggest impact on profitability development. Success of internal efficiency     
improvement programs has also important role in the profitability development.  


Virkkala 13.5.2008                                                              

Cencorp Corporation                                                             

Board of Directors                                                              

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT             |           |            |         |
| (unaudited   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| figures)     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    |        |        | 1-3/2008 |  1-3/2007 |  1-12/2007 |         |
| Net sales    |        |        |    4 495 |     3 820 |     20 323 |         |
| Other        |        |        |       27 |        37 |        421 |         |
| operating    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| income       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Expenses,    |        |        |   -4 302 |    -4 566 |    -20 901 |         |
| total        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Depreciations and     |        |     -149 |      -309 |       -893 |         |
| write-downs           |        |          |           |            |         |
| Operating    |        |        |      -71 |    -1 018 |     -1 050 |         |
| result       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Financial income and  |        |     -236 |      -317 |     -2 839 |         |
| expenses              |        |          |           |            |         |
| Result       |        |        |     -307 |    -1 335 |     -3 889 |         |
| before       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| taxes        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Income taxes |        |        |       -6 |         1 |        -74 |         |
| Consolidated |        |        |     -313 |    -1 334 |     -3 963 |         |
| net result   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE  |        |          |           |            |         |
| SHEET                 |        |          |           |            |         |
| (unaudited)  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    |        |        | 31.3.200 | 31.3.2007 | 31.12.2007 |         |
|              |        |        |        8 |           |            |         |
| ASSETS       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Long-term    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| assets       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Tangible     |        |        |    1 578 |     1 705 |      1 613 |         |
| assets       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Investment   |        |        |      334 |       338 |        343 |         |
| property     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Goodwill     |        |        |    2 028 |     2 028 |      2 028 |         |
| Other        |        |        |      333 |       822 |        430 |         |
| intangible   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| assets       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Incomplete product development |    1 352 |     1 239 |      1 340 |         |
| projects                       |          |           |            |         |
| Deferred tax |        |        |       11 |        36 |         23 |         |
| asset        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Available-fos-sale    |        |       17 |        17 |         17 |         |
| investments           |        |          |           |            |         |
|              |        |        |    5 653 |     6 185 |      5 794 |         |
| Short-term   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| assets       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Inventories  |        |        |    4 448 |     4 841 |      4 298 |         |
| Accounts     |        |        |    4 471 |     4 601 |      6 388 |         |
| receivable   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Other        |        |        |      619 |     1 281 |        744 |         |
| short-term   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| assets       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Cash and bank         |        |      336 |       980 |        253 |         |
| receivables           |        |          |           |            |         |
|              |        |        |    9 874 |    11 703 |     11 683 |         |
| Total assets |        |        |   15 527 |    17 888 |     17 477 |         |
| LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS'  |          |           |            |         |
| EQUITY                         |          |           |            |         |
| Shareholders |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| ' equity     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Share        |        |        |    3 425 |     3 425 |      3 425 |         |
| capital      |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Other equity |        |        |    9 318 |     4 695 |      8 842 |         |
| fund         |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Non-restrict |        |        |   -9 926 |    -8 516 |     -9 883 |         |
| ed equity    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Total        |        |        |    2 336 |      -396 |      2 384 |         |
| shareholders |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| ' equity     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Long-term    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Long-term    |        |        |    6 931 |    10 426 |      7 078 |         |
| loans        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Deferred tax |        |        |      165 |       331 |        303 |         |
| liability    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Total        |        |        |    7 096 |    10 757 |      7 381 |         |
| long-term    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Short-term   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Accounts payable and  |        |    3 327 |     4 078 |      3 724 |         |
| other liabilities     |        |          |           |            |         |
| Short-term   |        |        |    1 451 |     2 030 |      2 219 |         |
| loans        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Long-term loans       |        |    1 206 |     1 338 |      1 564 |         |
| shortening            |        |          |           |            |         |
| Tax          |        |        |          |           |         13 |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Short-term   |        |        |      111 |        81 |        192 |         |
| reserves     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Total        |        |        |    6 095 |     7 527 |      7 712 |         |
| short-term   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| reserves     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Total        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              |        |        |   13 191 |    18 284 |     15 093 |         |
| Total liabilities and |        |   15 527 |    17 888 |     17 477 |         |
| shareholders' equity  |        |          |           |            |         |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1. -   |            |         |
| 31.3.2008                                             |            |         |
| (unaudited   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| figures)     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              |        | Other  | Translat | Fund of   | Retained   | Total   |
|              |        |        | ion      | invested  |            |         |
|              | Share  | restri | differen | non-restr | earnings   |         |
|              |        | cted   | ce       | icted     |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    | capita | equity |          | equity    |            |         |
|              | l      |        |          |           |            |         |
| Shareholders |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| ' equity     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| 31.12.2007   |  3 425 |  4 432 |        6 |     4 410 |     -9 889 |   2 384 |
| Translation           |        |      -11 |           |            |     -11 |
| difference            |        |          |           |            |         |
| IAS12        |        |        |          |           |        276 |     276 |
| Correction of the     |        |          |           |            |         |
| translation           |        |          |           |            |         |
| difference            |        |          |           |            |         |
| related to   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| loan         |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| receivables  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| IAS39        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Net result   |        |        |          |           |       -313 |    -313 |
| Shareholders |  3 425 |  4 432 |       -5 |     4 410 |     -9 926 |   2 336 |
| ' equity     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| 31.3.2008    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 1.1. -   |            |         |
| 31.3.2007                                             |            |         |
| (unaudited   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| figures)     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              |  Share | Other  | Translat | Fund of   |   Retained |   Total |
|              |        |        |      ion | invested  |            |         |
|              | capita | restri | differen | non-restr |   earnings |         |
|              |      l |  cted  |       ce | icted     |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    |        | equity |          | equity    |            |         |
| Shareholders |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| ' equity     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| 31.12.2006   |  3 425 |  4 432 |   -3 254 |         0 |     -3 660 |     943 |
| Translation  |        |        |     -448 |           |            |    -448 |
| difference   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| IAS 12       |        |        |          |           |         30 |      30 |
| IAS 39       |        |        |          |           |         11 |      11 |
| IFRS 3       |        |        |          |           |        402 |     402 |
| Net result   |        |        |          |           |     -1 334 |  -1 334 |
| Shareholders |  3 425 |  4 432 |   -3 702 |         0 |     -4 551 |    -396 |
| ' equity     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| 31.3.2007    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW         |          |           |            |         |
| STATEMENT                      |          |           |            |         |
| (unaudited   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| figures)     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    |        |        | 1-3/2008 |  1-3/2007 |  1-12/2007 |         |
| Cash flow from        |        |    1 491 |       -68 |       -791 |         |
| operations            |        |          |           |            |         |
| Cash flow into and    |        |      -22 |       -45 |       -261 |         |
| from investments      |        |          |           |            |         |
| Financial    |        |        |   -1 397 |       158 |        352 |         |
| cash flow    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Increase(+)/ decrease(-) in    |       72 |        45 |       -700 |         |
| financial assets               |          |           |            |         |
| GROUP KEY    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| FIGURES      |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| (unaudited   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| figures)     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    |        |        | 1-3/2008 |  1-3/2007 |  1-12/2007 |         |
| Net sales    |        |        |    4 495 |     3 820 |     20 323 |         |
| Operating    |        |        |      -71 |    -1 018 |     -1 060 |         |
| result       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| % of net     |        |        |   -1,6 % |   -26,6 % |     -5,2 % |         |
| sales        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Result before extraordinary    |     -307 |    -1 335 |     -3 889 |         |
| items and taxes                |          |           |            |         |
| % of net     |        |        |   -6,8 % |   -34,9 % |    -19,1 % |         |
| sales        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Total assets |        |        |   15 527 |    17 888 |     17 477 |         |
| Equity       |        |        |   15,1 % |    -2,3 % |     13,7 % |         |
| ratio, %     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Gearing      |        |        |  403,6 % | -3478,8 % |    452,1 % |         |
| ratio, %     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Gross        |        |        |       22 |        45 |        896 |         |
| investments  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| % of net     |        |        |    0,5 % |     1,2 % |      4,4 % |         |
| sales        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| R&D          |        |        |      211 |       203 |        896 |         |
| expenditure  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| % of net     |        |        |    4,7 % |     5,3 % |      4,4 % |         |
| sales        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Personnel,   |        |        |      128 |       139 |        134 |         |
| average      |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Personnel, at end of  |        |      125 |       132 |        133 |         |
| period                |        |          |           |            |         |
| Non-interest bearing  |        |    3 153 |     3 801 |      3 707 |         |
| liabilities           |        |          |           |            |         |
| Interest     |        |        |   10 076 |    15 036 |     11 030 |         |
| bearing      |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Per-share    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| key figures: |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Equity per   |        |        |     0,05 |     -0,01 |       0,07 |         |
| share, EUR   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Earnings per share,   |        |    -0,01 |     -0,05 |      -0,12 |         |
| EUR/share (diluted)   |        |          |           |            |         |
| Earnings per share, EUR/share  |    -0,01 |     -0,04 |      -0,11 |         |
| (undiluted)                    |          |           |            |         |
| Share price  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| trend:       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| High, euros  |        |        |     0,25 |      0,46 |       0,46 |         |
| Low, euros   |        |        |     0,18 |      0,30 |       0,22 |         |
| Average,     |        |        |     0,22 |      0,40 |       0,35 |         |
| euros        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Price at end of       |        |     0,22 |      0,31 |       0,24 |         |
| period, euros         |        |          |           |            |         |
| Market capitalization at end   |       10 |        11 |         11 |         |
| of period, EUR millions        |          |           |            |         |
| CALCULATION OF KEY    |        |          |           |            |         |
| FIGURES               |        |          |           |            |         |
| Equity       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| ratio, %     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              | Shareholders' equity +     |           |            |         |
|              | minority interest x 100    |           |            |         |
|              | Balance sheet total -      |           |            |         |
|              | advances received          |           |            |         |
| Net gearing, |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| %            |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              | Interest-bearing           |           |            |         |
|              | liabilities - cash and     |           |            |         |
|              | cash                       |           |            |         |
|              | equivalents and marketable |           |            |         |
|              | securities x 100           |           |            |         |
|              | Shareholders' equity +     |           |            |         |
|              | minority interest          |           |            |         |
| Earings per  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| share (EPS)  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              | Profit before              |           |            |         |
|              | extraordinary items +/-    |           |            |         |
|              | minority                   |           |            |         |
|              | interest of profit/loss    |           |            |         |
|              | for the period - taxes     |           |            |         |
|              | Number of shares adjusted for share    |            |         |
|              | issue (average)                        |            |         |
| Equity per   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| share        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              | Shareholders'   |          |           |            |         |
|              | equity          |          |           |            |         |
|              | Number of shares adjusted  |           |            |         |
|              | for share issue            |           |            |         |
|              | at the end of the          |           |            |         |
|              | financial year             |           |            |         |
| CONTINGENT            |        |          |           |            |         |
| LIABILITIES           |        |          |           |            |         |
| (unaudited   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| figures)     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| EUR 1 000    |        |        | 31.3.200 | 31.3.2007 | 31.12.2007 |         |
|              |        |        |        8 |           |            |         |
| Loans from financial  |        |    8 914 |    13 533 |      9 810 |         |
| institutions          |        |          |           |            |         |
| Corporate mortgages   |        |   12 687 |    12 687 |     12 687 |         |
| granted               |        |          |           |            |         |
| Real-estate mortgages |        |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| granted               |        |          |           |            |         |
| Other loans  |        |        |    1 159 |     1 503 |      1 220 |         |
| Real-estate mortgages |        |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| granted               |        |          |           |            |         |
| Used bank guarantee   |        |        0 |       151 |          0 |         |
| facility              |        |          |           |            |         |
| Real-estate mortgages |        |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| granted               |        |          |           |            |         |
| Used         |        |        |    1 431 |     1 949 |      1 630 |         |
| financial    |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| limits       |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Accounts receivable   |        |    1 699 |     2 216 |      3 437 |         |
| granted               |        |          |           |            |         |
| Given as     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| collateral   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Corporate mortgages   |        |   12 687 |    12 687 |     12 687 |         |
| granted, total        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Real-estate mortgages |        |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| granted, total        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Leasing      |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| commitments  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| falling due during    |        |          |           |            |         |
| the next 12 months    |        |          |           |            |         |
| falling due  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| later        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Rental       |        |        |       61 |       110 |         69 |         |
| liabilities  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| falling due during    |        |       31 |        84 |         41 |         |
| the next 12 months    |        |          |           |            |         |
| falling due  |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| later        |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| Liabilities due to    |        |       47 |        97 |         68 |         |
| derivative contracts  |        |          |           |            |         |
| Forward exchange      |        |       40 |        83 |         44 |         |
| contracts             |        |          |           |            |         |
| of which taken out to hedge    |          |           |            |         |
| the parent company's           |          |           |            |         |
| accounts     |        |        |          |           |            |         |
| receivable   |        |        |          |           |            |         |
|              |        |        |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| of which taken out to hedge    |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| the parent company's           |          |           |            |         |
| other        |        |        |        0 |         0 |          0 |         |
| receivables  |        |        |          |           |            |         |

For more information, please contact:                                           

Jouni Suutarinen                                                                
President and CEO	 		                                                           
Tel. +358 (0)19  6610 100                                                       

Cencorp supplies the electronics and semiconductor industries with automation   
solutions that enhance productivity.                                            

DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Stock Exchange and the media                             

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