no 33/08 Delayed start-up for Vattenfall as market maker

Due to delays in the technical system implementation of German market maker services, Vattenfall AB need to postpone the start-up of their market making service to the fourth quarter of 2008. 

Nord Pool, Europe's leading international commodity exchange for power and emissions, launched derivative contracts for the German and Dutch power markets January 2008. More than 20 TWh have been traded and cleared in these products.

Vattenfall AB is satisfied with the development of the German market and Nord Pool's new product offering so far and is looking forward to contribute as market maker as soon as the technical problems are resolved.
For further information, please contact Nord Pool ASA: 

Marianne Wergeland Jenssen, senior vice president, financial market, 
phone +47 6752 8076

Isabel Pettersen, market place services, financial market, 
phone +47 6752 8011 

Press contact: Lars Galtung, vice president communications, 
phone +47 9821 4812