CORRECTION: Notice about convening of the annual general meeting of shareholders on 20 June, 2008

CORRECTION: Attached power of attorney

Being based on Clauses 269 and 273 of Commercial Law and Articles of the        
Company, the Management Board and the Council of public joint-stock company     
“Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca”, reg.No.40003030187, announce convocation of the    
annual general meeting of shareholders, which is going to take place on June 20,
2008 at 9 a.m. in the administration rooms of the Company at legal address -    
Visku Str.17, Daugavpils.                                                       

1. The confirmation of the annual report for 2007. 
2. Profit distribution of year 2007. 
3. Election of the jury revident of the Company. 
4. About election of the Council of the Company. 
5. About activity of the Council and of the Management Board of the Company. 

Registration of shareholders will take place on the day of meeting - June 20,   
2008 from   8 a.m. until 9 a.m. at the venue of meeting.                        

In order to participate in the meeting the shareholders have to block their     
accounts of financial instruments (security accounts) till June 13, 2008        
including. Receipts, which prove blocking of shares, should be presented by     
shareholder by registration.                                                    

The total number of voting shares is 7 400 000 shares.                          
The shareholders may participate in the meeting in a person or by delegating a  
representative or a proxy. Written proxy has to be certified according to the   
Law of the Latvian republic. Form of a written proxy is available in the        
attachment. Delegates of shareholders should present the documents, which prove 
their authority, according to the Clause 277 of Commercial Law.                 

If, irrespective of causes, the annual general meeting of joint-stock company   
“Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” will not be legally qualified because of lack of    
quorum on June, 2008, the repeated annual general meeting with the above        
mentioned agenda shall be convened on                        July 07, 2008 at 9 
a.m. in the administration rooms of JSC “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” in Visku    
Str.17, Daugavpils. Registration of shareholders will take place in the above   
mentioned order from 8 a.m. till 9 a.m.. Blocking of the accounts of financial  
instruments for participation in the meeting on June 20, 2008 shall be valid.   
Shareholders may block their security accounts additionally till June 30, 2008  

The shareholders can become acquainted with the draft decisions on the          
considered issues and fulfill other procedure formalities from June 02, 2008    
till June 17, 2008 including, in case of repeated general meeting - from June   
20, 2008 till July 04, 2008 including on working-days from 9 a.m. till 16 p.m.  
in the secretariat of the Company in Visku Str.17, Daugavpils. Phone for        
reference (+371) 65402333.                                                      

Recommendations about election of concrete persons to the Council the           
shareholders have the rights to inform in written till opening of the meeting.  
According to the Principles of the corporative managing of the ‘'Riga's Stock   
Exchange'' forwarding the candidate to the Council the shareholder has to give  
the information, that is foreseen by Principles of the Commercial law and of the
"Riga's Stock Exchange'', about the candidate as well as, if it's possible, to 
provide his presence on the meeting.                                            

Upon authorization of the Board                                                 
The member of the Board									                                                


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