AAK Interim Report, First Quarter, 2008

AAK Interim Report, First Quarter, 2008

- Net sales +24 %, SEK 3,683 million (2,971).

- The operating result excluding non recurring income and IAS 39 increased 28 %,
SEK 207 million (162) of which received insurance compensation of SEK 135
million has been recognised as income related to lost earnings and additional
costs which arose in the first quarter on account of the incident in Aarhus

- Including IAS 39 effects of SEK 136 million, and non-recurring income by SEK
47 million, the operating result increased to SEK 390 million (164). The SEK 47
million relates to the received insurance claim for December 2007.

- Profit after tax SEK 229 million (88).

- Earnings per share SEK 5.57 (2.10).

For further information, 
telephone +46 40 627 83 00

