no 36/08 Changes to the notification time of system and area prices

Lysaker, 26 May 2008

Today, Nord Pool ASA is notifying the market ten minutes before the system price and area prices are being published. This notification time will be shortened to a minimum of three minutes. The reason for this change is to reduce the lead time from when the system and area prices are calculated to when they are published. The earliest time for notification to the market will still be CET 12.30 as today, with the earliest publication at CET 12.33. 

Nord Pool will continue the practice of giving a market message through PowerCLICK and an operational message on , stating the time when the system price will be published. 

The changes will take effect from Monday 2 June 2008. 

For further information, please contact Nord Pool ASA: 

Marianne Wergeland Jenssen, senior vice president, financial market, 
phone +47 6752 8076/ +47 9013 6853

Georg Aasen, head of marketplace , financial market, phone +47 6752 8024