NeuroSearch A/S - directed issue

|                                      |               Copenhagen, 26 May 2008 |
NeuroSearch A/S - directed issue                                                

The share capital of NeuroSearch A/S will be increased by 300,000 new shares    
each bearing a face value of DKK 20. The listing will take effect on 27 May     

| ISIN                      | Name                                             |
| DK0010224666	             | NeuroSearch                                      |

The capital increase has been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies 

For further information, please see announcements from NeuroSearch, e.g.        
announcements of 21 May 2008.                                                   

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66                                                                        

ISIN: DK0010224666 (VP: 1022466)                                                

| Name:                          | NeuroSearch                                 |
| Volume of shares before issue: | 15,441,732 shares (DKK 308,834,640)         |
| Change:                        | 300,000 shares (DKK 6,000,000)              |
| Volume of shares after change: | 15,741,732 shares (DKK 314,834,640)         |
| Dividend:                      | Full for 2008                               |
| Subscription price:            | DKK 280                                     |
| Face value:                    | DKK 20                                      |
| Short name:                    | NEUR                                        |
| Share type:                    | AKTIE                                       |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                   | Bearer                                      |
| Voting rights on listed        | Full                                        |
| shares:                        |                                             |
| Financial year:                | 1 January - 31 December                     |
| Unlisted capital:              | DKK 0                                       |
| Capital increase registered:   | Yes                                         |
| Issuing bank:                  | Nordea Bank Danmark A/S                     |
| Trading lot:                   | 25                                          |
| CBR no.:                       | 12 54 61 06                                 |
| GICS:                          | 35 20 10 10                                 |
| Type:                          | 6                                           |


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