Cybercom sponsors executive telecom summit in Dubai

Cybercom sponsors executive telecom summit in Dubai

Cybercom is a strategic sponsor of the Next Generation Telecom Middle East &
Northern Africa Summit (NGT MENA) in Dubai, 2-5th of June 2008. The summit's
main purpose is to stimulate discussions among busy, focused executives of
leading enterprises in the region. 

”Cybercom sees this as a key step in supporting its growing presence in the
region," says Conny Karlsson, MD, Cybercom Dubai, "which is further emphasised
via establishment of its new office and ongoing projects with leading
enterprises in the region. Cybercom serves du (UAE's new full service telecom
provider) and Nokia Siemens Networks, among others. The summit is an excellent
opportunity to increase awareness of Cybercom's propositions and to strengthen
our relationship with executive telecom leaders."

“The Middle East is a growing geographic market for Cybercom," says Patrik
Boman, president and CEO of the Cybercom Group. "Need for IT and telecom is
skyrocketing in the entire region, because many countries are building new
infrastructures for broadband, mobile telephony, and wireless data
communication. Many companies are opening offices and businesses in Dubai - to
serve nearby markets - and all have growing IT requirements. Cybercom´s business
in the Middle East is quickly expanding due to several new assignments. More
than 60 consultants are currently working in assignments for operators and
systems suppliers in Africa and the Middle East. Demand has really taken off,
and our presence in Dubai puts us in a position to do more business in the

Karlsson adds: "It's a very expansive region, and many of our customers are also
expanding in in Africa. Consequently, growth potential for our services is very
high. We're constantly responding to new requests for proposals."

Questions? Contact:
Patrik Boman, president and CEO, Cybercom Group, +46 73 983 89 79
Conny Karlsson, MD, Cybercom Singapore and Dubai, +65 98 373 016
Patrik Anshelm, acting communications manager, Cybercom Group, +46 70 971 12 84

About Cybercom
The Cybercom Group is a high-tech consultancy that offers global sourcing for
end-to-end solutions. The Group established itself as a world-class supplier in
these segments: portals, mobile solutions, embedded systems, e-commerce, and
business support systems. Thanks to its extensive industry and operations
experience, Cybercom can offer strategic and technological expertise to these
markets: telecom, Internet, and media (TIM); banking and financial services;
automotive; national defence; and the public sector. The Group employs about
1865 persons and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has 27 offices in 11
countries. Since 1999, Cybercom's share has been quoted on the OMX Nordic
Exchange. Find out more at:

