Greentech Energy Systems - Interim Report 30 May 2008

Company Announcement no. 16/2008

Greentech Energy Systems A/S - Interim Report for the period 1 January - 31
March 2008 


•  Revenue for the period was TDKK 26,583 against TDKK 10,942 in the
year-earlier period. The improvement was attributable to good wind conditions
and increased capacity. 

•  The operating profit of TDKK 9,208 was the best quarterly performance to
date in spite of the production limitations suffered by the Energia Verde
project in January/February. 

•  The pre-tax profit of TDKK 11,536 (against TDKK 555) is satisfactory and
better than expected. 

•  Construction of the three Italian wind farms Monte Grighine, Minerva Messina
and Cagliari II with a combined capacity of 171.2 MW (gross) is proceeding as
planned, and all three facilities are expected to be commissioned around the
turn of the year. 

•  As a result of the significant earnings improvement in the first quarter
2008, the Company upgrades its pre-tax profit forecast to TDKK 12,000-15,000
for the full year.


0816-interim report 2-eng.pdf