JSC "Grindeks" celebrates Ridgepole celebrations

On the 3rd of June Joint-stock company "Grindeks" celebrates Ridgepole
celebrations of the new waste water purification plant building, thus
expressing support to the World Environment Day whose theme this year is Green
Cities. The Purification plant is being constructed, in order to prevent
efficiently the possible harm to the environment. 

Construction of the purification plant is one of the most significant
development projects of the company in 2008. Construction was started in
September, 2007, and it is planned to be finished by the end of 2008. The total
investments for implementation of the project will be almost 2.5 million lats. 

Chairman of the Council of JSC "Grindeks" Kirovs Lipmans stresses: „The rapid
growth of "Grindeks" allows investing of increasingly greater means in
development and improvement of production infrastructure. Construction of
technologically modern purification plant is a purposefully planned investment
project, in order that we, increasing production capacities, could ensure not
only a stable increase of Grindeks's turnover, but also to care efficiently for
environment protection.” 

Chairman of the Board of JSC "Grindeks" Jānis Romanovskis emphasizes the
responsibility of the company in front of environment and society: „We are
aware that we are working in Riga city, and our responsibility is to engage
actively in conservation of city environment, ensuring environmentally friendly
production processes. "Grindeks" is a „green thinking” company - all our
technological processes and development projects, among them the new waste
water purification plant, are directed to maximal conservation and
non-pollution of environment.” 

The technological project of purification plant is being developed by Swedish
company "AnoxKaldnes" which has an important experience of implementation of
specific pharmacy sewage purification projects for other big pharmaceutical
companies. Construction work is carried out by Latvian construction company

Overview of JSC "Grindeks"

JSC "Grindeks" is the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States. Its
main activity is research, development, production and sales of original
products, generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients. "Grindeks"
specializes in the heart and cardiovascular, CNS and anti-cancer medication
therapeutic groups. 

A range of "Grindeks" products covers a successful combination of original
products and generics. It includes the original products Mildronate® and
Ftorafur® and more than 100 forms of effective and safe generics. 

The holding company of "Grindeks" consists of four subsidiary companies in
Latvia, Estonia and Russia. It has representatives and representative offices
in fourteen countries. Products of the company are exported to more than 40
countries and its export comprises more than 96% of the total turnover. The
main markets are the Baltic States, Russia and CIS countries, Japan, the USA.
JSC "Grindeks" shares are listed in the Official List of Riga Stock Exchange. 

You are kindly invited to www.grindeks.lv to get to know more about our company!

Laila Kļaviņa, 
JSC "Grindeks" 
Head of Department of communications
E-mail: laila.klavina@grindeks.lv       
Phone: 67083370, 29256012