Statistics for May 2008 and III quarter of 2007/2008 FY

In May 2008 AS Tallink Grupp transported 591,400 passengers which is a 9.6%     
increase compared to the May 2007. The highest growth came from Tallinn-Helsinki
route where the full month operations of two new Shuttle vessels Star and       
Superstar helped to increase the number of passengers by 26.8%.                 

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo unit and passenger car numbers for May 2008 
and third quarter of the 2007/2008 financial year were the following:           

|           | May     | May     | change |   | III Q     | III Q     | change  |
|           | 2008    | 2007    |        |   | 07/08     | 06/07     |         |
| Passengers| 591,400 | 539,561 |   9.6% |   | 1,627,212 | 1,562,345 |    4.2% |
|           |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Finland-  | 210,247 | 224,639 |  -6.4% |   |   605,614 |   707,313 |  -14.4% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Estonia-  | 267,278 | 210,820 |  26.8% |   |   721,223 |   589,447 |   22.4% |
| Finland   |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Estonia-S |  69,980 |  65,946 |   6.1% |   |   190,755 |   174,151 |    9.5% |
| weden     |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Latvia-   |  33,261 |  29,415 |  13.1% |   |    80,704 |    66,707 |   21.0% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Finland-  |  10,634 |   8,741 |  21.7% |   |    28,916 |    24,727 |   16.9% |
| Germany   |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Cargo     |  27,637 |  33,888 | -18.4% |   |    84,761 |    94,977 |  -10.8% |
| units     |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Finland-  |   9,603 |  11,182 | -14.1% |   |    27,756 |    32,911 |  -15.7% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Estonia-  |   9,824 |  11,364 | -13.6% |   |    31,251 |    29,771 |    5.0% |
| Finland   |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Estonia-  |   3,614 |   3,701 |  -2.4% |   |    10,665 |    10,685 |   -0.2% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Latvia-   |   1,223 |   1,031 |  18.6% |   |     3,665 |     2,399 |   52.8% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Finland-  |   3,373 |   6,610 | -49.0% |   |    11,424 |    19,211 |  -40.5% |
| Germany   |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Vehicles  |  53,267 |  48,191 |  10.5% |   |   147,418 |   124,283 |   18.6% |
| Finland-  |  11,577 |  16,138 | -28.2% |   |    29,961 |    37,200 |  -19.5% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Estonia-  |  30,320 |  21,174 |  43.2% |   |    86,484 |    57,560 |   50.3% |
| Finland   |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Estonia-  |   4,321 |   4,779 |  -9.6% |   |    11,775 |    13,274 |  -11.3% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Latvia-   |   4,215 |   3,261 |  29.3% |   |    12,173 |     8,507 |   43.1% |
| Sweden    |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |
| Finland-  |   2,834 |   2,839 |  -0.2% |   |     7,025 |     7,742 |   -9.3% |
| Germany   |         |         |        |   |           |           |         |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


The sale of M/S SkyWind in August 2007 resulted in smaller capacities in May    
2008 compared to May 2007.                                                      

M/S Sea Wind schedule was changed so that the vessel will not stop in the Aland 
Islands any more. As a result the vessel is now carrying only cargo units       
compared to passenger, car and cargo mix before.                                


In the end of April the second Tallink Shuttle vessel Superstar started to      
operate between Tallinn and Helsinki.                                           


The traffic results were affected by the increased competition in cargo         

In May 2008 Superfast VII did not operate for six days due to maintenance works 
in the dock. As a result there was 18% fewer trips between Finland and Germany  
in May 2008 compared to May 2007.                                               

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              

