Equities: Listing of HEXPOL AB ser. B on OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm (135/08)

On request of HEXPOL AB, company registration number 556108-9631, the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB has approved a listing of the company’s ser. B shares on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm, with effect from June 9th, 2008. 

Quotation of share capital is SEK 53 103 954 equivalent to 26 551 977 shares (1 181 250 ser. A shares and 25 370 727 ser. B shares). 

Short name:	HPOL B
Number of shares:	25 370 727
ISIN code:	SE0002452623
Orderbook ID:	55907
Round lot: 	100 shares
Segment: 	Mid cap

OTC-Order book ID: 	55908
Average Daily Turnover, value:	SEK 7 000 000

