Derivatives: Anticipated adjustment in Paynova AB due to rights issue (26/08)

Paynova AB’s (Paynova) Annual General Meeting approved the proposed rights issue (1:12), whereby shareholders are entitled to one unit for every twelfth shares held. For every (1) subscribed unit the shareholder is entitled to one new share and one option (Series 2011) and for every two (2) subscribed units the shareholder is entitled to one option (Series 2008). The issue price is set at SEK 7. 

The record date is June 11, 2008. VWAP prices will be used to calculate the value of the issue. Provided that VWAPcum exceeds VWAPex OMX Derivatives Markets will carry out a re-calculation of options and futures in Paynova, using one of the two re-calculation methods described in the attached file. 

