New Chairman of the Board of Ajakirjade Kirjastus AS

On 25 June, Mart Luik will assume the position of Chairman of the Board of
Ajakirjade Kirjastus AS, which is 50% owned by Ekspress Group, to replace Ain
Lausmaa, who has held the position for eight years.
Priit Leito, Chairman of the Board of Ekspress Group AS, said that under the
management of Ain Lausmaa, who organised the successful merger of the journal
publishers of two media groups - Eesti Meedia and Ekspress Group - in the
summer of 2000, and then took lead of the joint company, the business volumes
of Ajakirjade Kirjastus have doubled by now, amounting to approximately MEEK
250. In addition to this, according to Priit Leito, Ajakirjade Kirjastus has
managed to successfully broaden its fields of business; as a book publisher,
the company has emerged as a market leader with respect to recipe and cookery
books. Among the new journals launched recently, Naised and Autobild are the
best known.
“Regardless of the position already gained on the local market, Ajakirjade
Kirjastus has more potential for improving results, which is why we have chosen
the path of changes. We wish to increase the profit margin of the publishing
house without compromising the journalistic content and quality of the
publications,” said Priit Leito. “It is easier for the new manager to make the
changes; besides, Mart Luik has gained good experience in recent years, when he
was often acting in similar roles on various media markets abroad”.
“Ajakirjade Kirjastus, as a market leader, is facing challenges in which, in
the conditions of a cooling economy, its position on the advertising market
needs to be improved and more efficient work must be done, while continuing to
maintain journalism on the same good level. The activities of Ajakirjade
Kirjastus directly indicate the role of magazines as a whole on the local media
landscape - it is my task to maintain and strengthen that role,” said Mart

In the years 1990-1994, Mart Luik studied journalism at the University of
Tartu. He has been the editor-in-chief of Sõnumileht, the editor-in-chief of
the news of TV3 Estonia and the executive director of the same TV-channel. He
has been the head of DTV Viasat, a Viasat TV-channel in Russia, and TV3 in
Slovenia, and developed various projects for the group in Central and Eastern
Europe, of which the most important was the project in Ukraine. 

Mart Luik does not own shares of AS Ekspress Grupp.

Additional information:
Priit Leito
AS Ekspress Grupp 
Tel: 6698080 