Correction: -Composition of the OMXI15 Index for the Period 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 - Previous pubilshed 2008-06-11 18:27:48 CET

Correction: The attachment was not published in english in the previous 

The new portfolio for the OMXI15 index has been selected for the period 1 July
2008 to 31 December 2008. Alfesca hf. is the only new constituent. The index
will thus be comprised of 14 companies in the coming period since Føroya Banki
P/F (FO-BANK), which would otherwise have been the 15th company, did not meet
the index's spread requirements. 


Selection for the OMXI15 index is based on trading data during the period 1
December 2007 to 31 May 2008.  The trading data for companies which are
admitted to trading within the aforementioned time frame is adjusted in
accordance with a method set fourth in the index rules. Free-float adjustment
is based on a list of the ten largest shareholders in each company at the end
of the period.


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