Rejlers receives an order from Karlstads Energi AB

Karlstads Energi AB distributes district heating within Karlstad's
urban area. The district heating is produced at Hedenverket and the
power and heating plant Yttre Hamnen  and  at four smaller production

Stora Enso Skoghall Mill will deliver waste warmth through a district
heating pipe to Karlstads Energi AB and Hammarö municipality. The
connection of the networks demands new pressure increasing stations
in Nolgård and Yttre Hamnen and heat exchangers towards Hammarö's
district heating networks in Nolgård and Hammarö boiler room.

Rejlers has received an order regarding design, programming, delivery
and installation of a complete electricity and reading system
together with an operating, automatic control and supervision system
for the new facilities. The assignment also includes signal transfer
to and from Stora Enso Skoghall Mill and integration of the new
facilities in Karlstads Energi's existing control and supervision

The order value is about SEK 4 million and the assignment will be
carried through in 2008.

                      For further information:
      Peter Rejler, Managing Director and CEO, +46 70 602 34 24
                 Kjell Sandin, CFO, +46 470 70 43 18

   Rejlers is a Nordic expertise group within electro-technology,
 energy, mechanics, automation, IT and telecommunications. Rejlers'
         shares are listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.


Press release pdf