Announcement no. 06 - 2008/09	June 26, 2008


On Thursday, June 26, 2008, the annual general meeting of Thrane & Thrane A/S
(CVR no. 65 72 46 18) was held at the company's offices, Lundtoftegårdsvej 93D,
2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. 

43.37% of the company's share capital was represented.

The Board of Directors had elected Henrik Lind as chairman of the meeting. The
chairman of the meeting verified that the annual general meeting was regularly
constituted and formed a quorum for the transaction of the business on the

The agenda comprised the following business:

1.	To receive the Board of Directors' report on the activities of the company.

A report was submitted on the activities of the company. The shareholders at
the annual general meeting approved the report. 

2.	To receive a presentation of and to approve the annual report and to pass a
resolution granting discharge to the Board of Directors and the Management

The Management submitted the annual report for the financial year ended April
30, 2008. The shareholders at the annual general meeting approved the annual
report and passed a resolution granting discharge to the Board of Directors and
the Management Board. 

3.	To pass a resolution on the distribution of profit or the treatment of loss
according to the annual report as approved. 

The annual report as approved contained the Board of Directors' proposal for
allocation of the profit for the year. The shareholders at the annual general
meeting approved the Board's proposal. 

4.	To elect members to the Board of Directors.

The shareholders at the annual general meeting re-elected Waldemar Schmidt,
Morten Eldrup-Jørgensen, Lars Thrane and Jim Hagemann Snabe. For the purpose of
the minutes of the annual general meeting, it was noted that the Board had
subsequently elected Waldemar Schmidt as its chairman. 

5.	To appoint auditors.

The shareholders at the annual general meeting re-appointed Grant Thornton,
Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, as auditor. 

6.	To consider any resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors or the

The shareholders at the annual general meeting passed the following resolutions
proposed by the Board of Directors: 

(i)	To grant the Board of Directors an authority to let the company acquire
treasury shares within a total nominal value of 10% of the company's share

(ii)	To cancel the age limit for re-election as a member of the Board of
Directors. The third sentence of article 8.1 of the company's Articles of
Association will be deleted as a consequence of the resolution passed. 

(iii)	To reduce the number of newspapers in which notices convening general
meetings must be published from two to one. Article 4.4 of the company's
Articles of Association will be amended as a consequence of the resolution

(iv)	To change the place for holding general meetings of the company to the
Capital Region. Article 4.1 of the company's Articles of Association will be
amended as a consequence of the resolution passed. 

(v)	To approve guidelines for incentive pay to members of the company's Board
of Directors and Management Board. A new article 8.8 will be inserted in the
company's Articles of Association as a consequence of the resolution passed. 

(vi)	To allow the company, in certain connections, to communicate
electronically with shareholders. A new article 4.10 will be inserted in the
company's Articles of Association as a consequence of the resolution passed. 


There was no further business to be transacted at the annual general meeting,
and the meeting closed at 6 p.m. 

Further information: 
John Alexandersen, Vice President, Group Communications
Tel. (+45) 39 55 88 35 or (+45) 22 72 38 22 (mobile)

About Thrane & Thrane
Thrane & Thrane is the world's leading manufacturer of equipment and systems
for global mobile satellite and radio communication. Since inception in 1981,
the company has achieved a leading position within global mobile satellite
services based on the Inmarsat system. Today, it provides equipment for use
everywhere - on land, at sea and in the air. The company's communication
products are marketed globally by distributors and business partners under the
Thrane & Thrane, EXPLORER and SAILOR brands. The company's shares are listed on
the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen (symbol: THRAN).


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