Exchange Notice Copenhagen: Change to the thresholds of Circuit Breakers for penny shares

Change to the thresholds of Circuit Breakers for penny shares

June 2, 2008 OMX Nordic Exchange implemented circuit breakers (volatility
interrupters) to reduce uncertainty during volatile periods. 

Since the launch, OMX Nordic Exchange has actively followed the result of the
implemented functionality. 

OMX Nordic Exchange has now decided to widen the dynamic and static circuit
breakers' threshold for penny shares traded at a very low price (at or below
0.50 DKK/SEK/ISK or 0.05 EUR). The change originates from the observation that
the current threshold for penny shares has resulted in a few unnecessary
triggered circuit breakers, which was not the intention. With the change OMX
Nordic Exchange foresees smooth trading also for the penny shares traded at
very low prices. 

The implementation of the new thresholds is planned to take effect early July,
2008 in conjunction with the normal monthly maintenance of the group of penny

For further information concerning this exchange notice, please contact Stefan
Pinter, telephone +46 8 405 6459 or Anders Green, telephone +46 8 405 6752.


notice_circuit breakers penny shares ndring june 2008 uk .pdf