Interbank: Correction of Exchange Notice 50/08 - Listing of certificates (53/08)

The correction refers to Orderbook ID which is marked with bold text.

OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm has decided to officially list the following certificates with effect from July 1st, 2008:
Name			Short name		Orderbook ID
Nordea Bank AB	NBHC 0907	56374
Sveriges Bostadsfinansieringsab	SBAC 0907	56382
Svenska Handelsbanken AB	SHBC 0907	56384
Stadshypotek AB	SHYC 0907	56483
Swedbank Hypotek AB	SWHC 0907	56485
Volvofinans AB	VOLC 0907	56486
Landshypotek AB	LAHC 0907	56488
Länsförsäkringar Bank AB  	LFBC 0907	56489 
The instruments will be registered on OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm Fixed Income, submarket Benchmark bonds.

