IT - Warrants and Certificates on the Nordic Exchange Copenhagen (60/08)

OMX Nordic Exchange aims to further harmonize the Nordic markets by setting up a new market for trading warrants and certificates on the Nordic Exchange Copenhagen. 

This new financial product will be launched on the Danish market 29 September 2008. 

Please note that the new market will be placed in partition 3 in the SAXESS system. Members who are not already connected to this partition should prepare access to be able to reach said market.
In the test system SAXTST1 a new market has been created:
Name:	OMX Warrants and Certificates
Code:	 	OMXWAR
ID:	 	1000001.

Two submarkets are connected to OMXWAR:
1) DKWA WAR - OMXCHP Warrants, ID 164
2) DKWA CERT - OMXCHP Certificates, ID 165.

The above IDs, the one for the market itself as well as those for the sub markets, will change when being set up in the production system. The production IDs are not known at present; we anticipate to communicating those by the end of August 2008.

OMXWAR and the two submarkets are available from Friday 4 July 2008. They will, however, not be supported until 18 August 2008.

Please be informed that certification is not required.

The new market will not per default be available under the members' test participants. Therefore, we kindly ask you to inform the contact persons below which participants you require be connected.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact:

Torben Olsen, NASDAQ OMX	
+ 45 33 770 429	

Kirsten Thaarup, NASDAQ OMX
+ 45 33 770 380

