2008 Harvest Outlook

2008 Harvest Outlook

On the basis of seeding results over the spring period, A/S Trigon Agri hereby
confirms that it is expecting to harvest over 65,000ha of farm-land in the Black
Earth region during the 2008 harvest season. The harvested area will be split
roughly equally between its Ukrainian and Russian operations.

On fields fully prepared by A/S Trigon Agri itself in Ukraine (i.e. fields which
are subject to the targeted ramp-up yields that have remained unchanged since
the listing of the company on First North Stockholm and can be found in the
company presentation available on the web-site), the harvest results are likely
to exceed the first and second ramp-up year yield targets respectively for all
crops. On fields where the company assumed control during winter and spring
2007/2008 and where preparatory works had been performed by previous land users,
the current outlook is that yields in Ukraine will be close to results which
could be expected from a typical first ramp-up year on land prepared by A/S
Trigon Agri. In the Russian operations (where no fields were prepared by A/S
Trigon Agri for this season), the expected harvest results are likely to come in
below the first year ramp-up target set for fields prepared by A/S Trigon Agri

The current harvest outlook is subject to favourable weather conditions for
crop-growing and harvest during the rest of the season (unfavourable weather
conditions before or during harvesting could still lower the expected results).

For further information please contact: 
Mr. Ülo Adamson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trigon Agri A/S
Tel: +372 66 79 200
E-mail: mail@trigonagri.com

The Company's Certified Advisor is SEB Enskilda.

About Trigon Agri A/S
Trigon Agri A/S is an integrated leading cereal and dairy commodities company
with operations in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia. Trigon Agri A/S shares are
traded at the First North stock exchange in Stockholm, an alternative market
place of the OMX Nordic Exchange. Trigon Agri A/S is managed under an advisory
agreement by AS Trigon Capital, a leading Central and Eastern European
investment and corporate advisory firm with more than USD 1 billion of
discretionary assets under management.


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