DGAP-PVR: CeWe Color Holding AG: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

CeWe Color Holding AG / Release of an announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] (share)


Release of a Voting Rights announcement

On 27 June 2008 the Credit Suisse Group notified us in accordance with §§
21 Paragraphs 1 and 24 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) in their
own name and on behalf of and on the authority of the following companies

1. The proportion of voting rights of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe)
Limited, London, England, held in CeWe Color Holding AG  (ISIN 0005403901)
fell below the threshold of 3 % on 23 June 2008 and accounted for a 2.987%
proportion on this date (220,409 voting rights).

2. As a result of the aforesaid reported falling below the threshold of 3 %
by Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, London, England, the
proportion of voting rights held by its associated companies Credit Suisse
(International) Holding AG, Zug, Switzerland, Credit Suisse Investments
(UK), London, England and Credit Suisse Investment Holdings (UK), London,
England, held in CeWe Color Holding AG  (ISIN 0005403901) fell below the
threshold of 3% on 23 June 2008 and accounted for a 2.987% proportion on
this date (220,409 voting rights). This proportion of voting rights is to
be respectively fully allocated to the companies named in this paragraph
according to § 22 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 No. 1 of the German Securities
Trading Act.

3. Furthermore, the proportion of voting rights of Credit Suisse, Zurich,
Switzerland, and the Credit Suisse Group, Zurich, Switzerland, held in CeWe
Color Holding AG  (ISIN 0005403901) also fell below the threshold of 3 % on
23 June 2008 and accounted for a 2.990% proportion on this date (220,659
voting rights). This proportion of voting rights is to be respectively
fully allocated to the companies named in this paragraph according to § 22
Paragraph 1 Clause 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act.

4. The chain of controlling companies is as follows (commencing with the
most minor company): Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit
Suisse Investment Holdings (UK), Credit Suisse Investments (UK), Credit
Suisse (International) Holding AG, Credit Suisse and Credit Suisse Group.

DGAP 03.07.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       CeWe Color Holding AG
              Meerweg 30-32
              26133 Oldenburg
Internet:     www.cewecolor.de
End of News                                     DGAP News-Service