ALK launches new visual identity

The global pharmaceutical company ALK introduces a new visual identity and a
new logo. The new identity is designed to communicate ALK's world leading
position in specific allergy treatment and its strong scientific heritage. 

The task for the designers was to create a visual expression of ALK's
scientific leadership while at the same time showing ALK's human approach based
on the company's mission to improve quality of life for people with allergies. 

The new logo consists of a number of particles or dots gradually transforming
into a logotype. This has been inspired by the fact that ALK turns the complex
world of allergy and allergen particles into an effective treatment of the
cause of allergy. The shape of vials, drops and tablets from ALK's allergy
vaccines has also been an inspiration for the designers, but as with all
design, the logo is open to interpretation. 

The primary colours of the visual identity are blue and orange. The dark blue
communicates the roots of ALK and its position in the pharmaceutical business.
The warm orange adds a human approach to allergy treatment. The full colour
palette is adapted from Scandinavian design traditions to communicate the
geographical heritage of the company. 

Past, present and future

The new design is a reflection of ALK's past, present and future. ALK has been
shaping the future of allergy treatment since 1923, and through the past 85
years a number of landmarks in the history of allergy treatment have been
reached in the science labs of ALK. 

- In the 1970s, ALK was first to identify allergen proteins and subsequently
launch standardised allergy vaccines in cooperation with the University of

- In the 1990s, ALK began a strategic shift towards more convenient vaccines
for home treatment by launching sublingual (drop-based) allergy vaccines 

- Following this new strategy, ALK launched the World's first registered
tablet-based allergy vaccine, GRAZAX®, for grass pollen allergy in 2006 

GRAZAX® and the other tablet-based allergy vaccines in ALK's research and
development pipeline are the first tablets to treat the underlying cause of
allergy as well as the symptoms, and this approach will shape the future of
allergy treatment for the benefit of patients all over the world. 
Along with the design comes a custom made typeface - a modern sans serif - that
has been created to add identity to all ALK materials. Both the visual identity
and the typeface have been developed by the Copenhagen-based strategic design
agency e-Types. In the coming months, the new visual identity will be rolled
out on platforms worldwide to support the communication in all ALK companies. 

Using the new design, ALK has published a new company brochure and a
re-designed website The new logo is available for download
via the website. 

For further information, please contact: 
Jacob Frische, Director, ALK Group Communications, +45 45 74 75 51 or +45 22 24
75 51 

About ALK
ALK is a global pharmaceutical company focusing on allergy treatment,
prevention and diagnosis. Our mission is to improve quality of life for
allergic people by developing pharmaceutical products that target the actual
cause of allergy. ALK is the world leader in allergy vaccination
(immunotherapy) - a unique treatment that induces a protective immune response
which reduces and potentially halts the allergic reaction. Allergy vaccination
is traditionally administered as subcutaneous injections or sublingual
droplets. Our aim is to extend the use of allergy vaccination by introducing
convenient, tablet-based vaccines, thereby offering many more patients a causal
allergy treatment. Following this strategy, the world's first tablet-based
vaccine against grass pollen allergy, GRAZAX®, was launched in Europe in 2006,
and ALK has entered into partnerships regarding the tablet programme with the
Menarini Group for central and Eastern Europe and with Schering-Plough for
North America. ALK has more than 1,400 employees with subsidiaries, production
facilities and distributors worldwide. The company is headquartered in
Hørsholm, Denmark and listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen.
'ALK' is an abbreviation of 'Allergological Laboratory Copenhagen (København)'.
Further information is available at and

