The SAS Group Traffic figures June 2008

The SAS Group Traffic figures June 2008

- SAS Group's traffic increased by 3.5% during June and seat capacity was up by
5.9% vs 2007.
- SAS Group carried 4.0 million passengers in June, up 0.3% vs 2007. 
- Total load factor was down by 1.8 p.u. to 74.7%.
- Due to the abandoned sales process of Spanair, the company has been included
in the traffic numbers (and the comparable numbers).

Group market trends and yield development
Yield for Scandinavian Airlines in May was as expected down by 5.4%. For June
2008 the change in yield is expected to improve compared with May and is
expected to be unchanged in June vs last year. The market is still characterized
by relatively good demand and passenger growth. The imposed fuel surcharges are
gradually supporting the yield and expected to have a larger impact going
forward. There are still uncertainties regarding the future macroeconomic
development as well as the competitive situation. 
The SAS Group is currently implementing measures - Profit 2008 - to secure the
result development in 2008 in light of the record high fuel prices. The measures
comprises both revenue enhancing and cost measures totaling 1,1 SEK billion. The
program is running according to set out plan. 

For further information Please contact VP,Head of SAS Group Investor Relations
Sture Stølen
+ 46 8 797 1451  Homepage:                 

