First North: New share for trading, Suomen Autovakuus Oy (155/08)

At the request of Suomen Autovakuus Oy, 1945493-4, the company’s shares will be traded on First North as from July 10, 2008.

Short name:	SAV1V
Number of shares:	1 848 000
ISIN code:	FI0009015713
Round lot:	1
Orderbook ID:	57021
OTC Orderbook ID:	57022
ADT Value:	400 000 EUR

GICS Classification
Sub Industry code	Sub Industry
40202010 	Consumer Finance

Index code 	Index name
40	Financials
4020	Diversified Financials
402020	Consumer Finance

This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Adviser, Privanet Pankkiiriliike Oy. For further information, please call Tuomas Siltala on +358 9 6877 1714.

