New estimations of mineral resources in Rämepuro and Muurinsuo show higher gold grades

The press release including tables can be downloaded from the
following link: Press release (PDF)

*   Rämepuro:
- Indicated mineral resources: 162 000 t with 4,3 grams gold per
tonne (23 000 oz gold).
- Inferred mineral resources: 61 000 t with 4,1 grams gold per tonne
(8 000 oz gold).

*   Muurinsuo:
- Indicated mineral resources: 197 000 t with 2,6 grams gold per
tonne (17 000 oz gold).
- Inferred mineral resources: 787 000 t with 1,5 grams gold per tonne
(38 000 oz gold).

The new estimations of mineral resources in the gold deposits
Rämepuro and Muurinsuo have been carried out by the independent
Australian consult company Runge Limited. As a result of the core
drilling, the gold grades have increased in both deposits (table 1).
Both Rämepuro and Muurinsuo are connected to the Karelian Gold Line
and are situated south of the planned refinery at the mine Pampalo
(figure 1).

                              Table 1.
            Mineral resources in Rämepuro and Muurinsuo*.

 *The estimations made according to the JORC code have been carried
out by Runge Ltd. The responsible qualified person has been geologist
  Philippe A. Baudry. He does not own any shares of Endomines AB.

So far none of the mineralisations have been delimited with the
drilling, and that is why there are good chances of increasing the
mineral resources even more. It is also positive that the gold grades
in the deposit Muurinsuo seem to increase downwards and at the same
time are accessible with open pit mining (figure 2).

The made mineral resource estimations will be the basis for a study
of conditions for mining covering both of the deposits. This will
include mine planning, ore reserve estimation, and economical
calculations among others. The aim is that the deposits Rämepuro and
Muurinsuo as well as a number of other satellite deposits along the
Karelian Gold Line will be mined and with that the ore reserves will
increase in the area reserved for the planned refinery at the Pampalo

                              Figure 1.
The Karelian Gold Line and the locations of the mine Pampalo as well
                 as the possible satellite deposits.

                              Figure 2.
 Longitudinal section of the deposit Rämepuro shows gold grades down
                        to 140 metres depth.

                              Figure 3.
Longitudinal section of the deposit Muurinsuo shows gold grades down
                        to 100 metres depth."The core drilling has resulted higher gold grades and considerably
greater knowledge among both of the mineralisations. The deposit
Rämepuro lies in an already claimed area, and now we will also apply
for a mining license for the deposit Muurinsuo. In addition, we have
also planned applying for environmental permits for both of the
deposits. The planned works aims at updating the mineral resources to
ore reserves which then could be mined as open pits and transported
to the planned plant in Pampalo", says CEO of Endomines, Timo

The information in this press release is based on analysis results
from the independent accredited laboratory Labtium Ab, and the
mineral resource calculations have been carried out by the Australian
independent company Runge Ltd. Endomines's technical chief Jaakko
Liikanen has compiled the tables and information in this press
release. Jaakko Liikanen who owns shares in Endomines AB is approved
as "Qualified Person" by SveMin and FAERI.

For further information, please, contact:

Timo Lindborg, Chief Executive Officer
phone: +46-8-611 66 45, mobile: +358-40-50 83 507

Endomines AB (publ) explores and develops mineral deposits in
Finland. The Company owns mining permits or claims over all the
recognised gold deposits along the Karelian Gold Line, Pampalo mine,
among others, wherein the Company aims at starting the operation in
2010. In addition, Endomines has claims for more gold deposits in
Finnish Lapland. Besides gold, the Company is focusing on industrial
mineral ilmenite which seems to have stable demand growth and price
development. These ilmenite deposits exist in central Ostrobothnia.

Endomines applies SveMin's and FAERI's common reporting rules for
public mining and exploration companies. Endomines has decided to
show the mineral resources according to the internationally accepted
JORC or NI 43101 code. Endomines applies International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as the reporting standards for account
principles and annual accounts practice. The use of IFRS helps to
compare the Company with foreign exploration and mining companies.

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Press release PDF.pdf