Warning issued to AS „Latvijas Zoovetapgāde”

Riga Stock Exchange Management Board on its meeting of July 16, 2008, issued a
warning to AS „Latvijas Zoovetapgāde”. 

The RSE Listing and Disclosure rules stipulate that RSE may issue a warning to
an issuer on the occasions when it breaches terms and stipulations of RSE
Listing and Disclosure rules. 

On May 12, 2008 AS „Latvijas Zoovetapgāde” has filled in its audited Annual
report 2007, which was audited by the sworn auditor SIA „Audits Pluss”. Issuer
has failed to inform RSE regarding changes in auditors as year 2006 report was
audited by the sworn auditor SIA „REKO”. Issuers are obliged to immediately
inform RSE regarding changes in management or supervisory board and changes of
auditors and procurists, according to the RSE rules.

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