Interim report January - June 2008

Interim report January - June 2008

Sigma AB (publ)

Sigma's order bookings continued stable
• Sales in the period amounted to SEK 736.0 M (716). 
• Organic growth, adjusted for units divested amounted to 6.0% of sales. 
• Operating profit amounted to SEK 45.3 M (-1.0).
• Costs related to the public offer totaling SEK 3.9 M in the second quarter and
non-recurring costs of SEK 4.8 M in the first quarter were charged against
earnings. In the preceding year, a one-time impairment of goodwill in an amount
of SEK 50.3 M was recognized. Adjusted for these, operating profit is in line
with preceding year.
• Operating margin was 6.1% (neg: 0.1). Excluding the aforementioned
nonrecurring expense, the margin was 7.3% (7.1).
• Cash flow from current operations amounted to SEK 59.0 M (53.7)
• Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 43.4 M (loss 5.5) and after taxes
to SEK 28.8 M (loss 15.6). Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.33 (loss 0.18).
• Unchanged outlook for 2008 with an operating profit exceeding the 2006 level
of SEK 97 M.

For further information, contact: 
Sune Nilsson, Chief Executive Officer, Sigma AB (publ), Tel. +46-31-335 67 15;
Mobile: +46-703-79 15 28; e-mail 
or Lars Sundqvist, Chief Financial Officer, Sigma AB (publ), Tel. +46-31-335 67
16; Mobile: +46-703-79 22 02; e-mail 

Sigma judges this press release to affect the Sigma stock. This press release is
sent 2008-07-18 08:30.

Sigma is a leading supplier of solutions within IT, Management and Information
logistics. We deliver to an international market and focus on functional
engagements. Sigma is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and has about 1400
employees in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, England, Hungary, China,
India and Ukraine.

