Interim Report H1 2008

Max Bank retains strong position despite break-even performance in H1 2008.

H1 2008 in headlines:

Max Bank "opens the books" and is the first bank to account in detail for the
composition of its lending portfolio. 

Strong capital resources with a capital adequacy ratio of 15.8% compared to a
calculated capital adequacy requirement of 8.5%. 

Substantial cash resources with a surplus cover of 136.3% in relation to the
requirements of the law. 

A 30% increase in primary banking activities.

Staff costs and administrative expenses remained stable and are on a par with

Impairment losses of DKK 19.0m and negative price adjustments of DKK 13.3m
trigger break-even performance. 

Profit before value adjustments and tax for 2008 is now expected in the range
of DKK 25-30m in relation to previous expectations of approx DKK 40m. 

Max Bank remains well-equipped for the selected positioning on the market and
to withstand the current situation.

