Nordea Bank Finland Plc: Interim Report January-June 2008

Nordea Bank Finland Plc is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nordea Bank
AB (publ), the listed parent company of the whole Nordea Group. This
statutory interim report  covers the operations of the legal entity
Nordea Bank Finland Plc with its subsidiaries in Finland and abroad.

The business operations of the Nordea Group have been organised in
three customer areas, all of which operate across national
boundaries: Nordic Banking, Private Banking and Institutional and
International Banking. The consolidated interim report of Nordea Bank
AB (publ) embraces all the activities of the Nordea Group and
provides the most complete and fair view.  The Finnish Asset
Management & Life operations are included in the interim report of
the Nordea Group.

Nordea Bank Finland Group

Result summary January-June 2008
The first six months of 2008 were characterised by maintained high
income and profit levels despite negative effects from volatile and
weakened financial markets. NBF's total income increased by 18% to
EUR 1,394m (1,179) and total expenses by 7% to EUR 484m (452). (The
comparison figures in brackets refer to the first six months of

NBF's operating profit was up by 19% compared to the same period in
2007 and amounted to EUR 884m (743). Return on equity was 12.9%
(9.4%) and the cost/income ratio 35% (38%). Loan losses amounted to
EUR 26m (16m positive loan losses). Net profit increased by 25% to
EUR 689m (552).

Market development in the first half of 2008
In Finland, economic growth slowed down in the first half of 2008,
but remained robust. Employment grew strongly and unemployment
continued to drop. However, the global rise of oil and food prices
caused inflation to accelerate to over 4% in the spring. High
inflation also turned the market rates up again. The price and rate
rise as well as worrying news about the global economy weakened
consumer confidence at the beginning of summer. Share prices fell as

Total income increased by 18% to EUR 1,394m. The income growth is
driven by volume growth as well as the high activity level in the
customer-driven capital markets operations. The strong growth in net
interest income continued, supported by positive trends both in
lending and deposits. Net interest income totalled EUR 855m (744).
Total lending to the public increased by 18% year-on-year to EUR
66.5bn. Deposits and borrowings from the public increased by 16%
year-on-year to EUR 43.1bn.

Net commission income decreased by 8% to EUR 146m, with savings
related commissions negatively affected by the weak equity markets,
lower transaction activity and a shift from funds to savings deposit
accounts. Lending-related commissions increased somewhat whereas
payment commissions were stable. Development in other commissions was
favourable as commissions from securities issues increased. Total
commission expenses increased by 15% mainly due to higher transaction

Throughout this report, "Nordea Bank Finland" and "NBF" refer to the
parent company Nordea Bank Finland Plc, business identity code
1680235-8, with its subsidiaries. The registered office of the
company is in Helsinki. Nordea Bank Finland Plc is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Nordea Bank AB (publ), the listed parent company of the
whole Nordea Group. The business operations of the Nordea Group have
been organised in three customer areas, all of which operate across
national boundaries: Nordic Banking, Private Banking and
Institutional & International Banking. The consolidated interim
report of Nordea Bank AB (publ) embraces all the activities of the
Nordea Group and provides the most complete and fair view. This
statutory interim report covers the operations of the legal entity
Nordea Bank Finland Plc with its subsidiaries.

Net gains/losses at fair value increased by 52% to EUR 379m (249).
The customer-driven capital markets operations continued to perform
strongly, with the continued high transaction activity. All product
areas were able to perform better than in the previous year. The
negative impact on net gains/losses from specific valuation losses
due to the credit market turmoil has continued to be limited.

Profit from companies accounted for under the equity method increased
to EUR 1m (-1).

Other operating income decreased to EUR 13m (28) as no major capital
gains realised during the first half of 2008.

Total operating expenses increased by 7% and amounted to EUR 484m

Staff costs increased by 9% to EUR 276m (254) following a higher
number of employees, investments in growth areas and wage inflation.
The number of full-time employees increased by approximately 320
year-on-year, largely in the Baltic area.

Other operating expenses totalled EUR 193m (184), up by 5% compared
to last year. The higher activity level and investments in growth
areas mainly explain the increase.

Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets increased slightly to
EUR 15m (14).

The cost/income ratio was 35% compared to 38% in the first half of

Loan losses
As expected recoveries and reversals were lower than last year,
whereas new provisions were nearly at unchanged and modest levels.
Net loan losses of EUR 26m (positive loan losses 16m) were recorded
in the first half year.

The effective tax rate for the first half of 2008 was approximately
22%. In the first half of 2007, the effective tax rate was
approximately 26%.
Net profit
Net profit increased by 25% to EUR 689m (552) corresponding to a
return on equity of 12.9% compared to 9.4% in the first half of last

Balance sheet
(Comparison figures in brackets refer to December 2007 figures)

The total assets of NBF amounted to EUR 177bn (147). The change
mainly reflects strong growth in lending, higher balance sheet values
of derivatives as well as increased intra-group transactions.

Despite the higher interest rate levels the growth rate of the
housing loan stock was still double digit in Finland. In the Baltic
area the growth rate has been very strong despite the more
challenging macroeconomic development. Loans to the public grew by
10% compared with the end of 2007. The book values of derivatives
have increased due to revaluations and volume growth.

Deposits and borrowings from the public increased from the year-end
level and amounted to EUR 43.1bn (41.7).

Capital position and capital management
At the end of June, NBF's risk-weighted amounts (RWA) were EUR 73.3bn
excluding transition rules, compared to EUR 66.1bn at year-end 2007.
The increase is explained by volume increases. RWA including
transition rules increased by EUR 5.7bn to EUR 76.7bn.

Excluding transition rules, the tier 1 ratio was 13.4% and the total
capital ratio was 14.9%. Including transition rules, the tier 1 ratio
was 12.8% and the total capital ratio was 14.2%. Profit for the
period has not been included in tier 1.

During 2008, Nordea has an ongoing approval process for its
internal-rating-based (IRB) models for its Retail credit portfolio.

Credit portfolio
Total lending was EUR 66.5bn (60.6) at the end of June 2008. The
share of lending to corporate customers was 54%. There was no major
change in the composition of the credit portfolio.

Credit quality in the well diversified lending portfolio remained
strong, with no industry sector showing any material change in credit
strength since the beginning of the year.

Impaired loans gross increased to EUR 755m at the end of June 2008
compared to EUR 616m at the end of December. EUR 51m of this increase
is attributable to the Baltic countries. Individually assessed
impaired loans, net, amounted to EUR 569m (430) representing 0.6% of
total loans and receivables before allowances, which was on the same
level as at year-end 2007.

Off-balance sheet commitments
The total amount of off-balance sheet commitments increased to EUR
34.7bn (30.0). The increase mainly related to guarantees, as the
centralisation of guarantee operations to NBF continued. The volumes
of derivatives have continued to grow and they amounted to EUR
3,450bn (3,017).

Changes in the group structure
Nordea Bank Finland Plc has increased its ownership in Realia Holding
Oy. NBF's share of the total capital invested is 36.8%.

Changes in the Board of Directors
President Markku Pohjola and the President's deputy Carl-Johan
Granvik resigned from their positions as of 31 May 2008. The Board
elected Carl-Johan Granvik President and Ari Kaperi his deputy as
from 1 June 2008. Carl-Johan Granvik was elected the Deputy Chairman
of the Board on 6 May 2008. Markku Pohjola resigned from his position
as member of the Board as of 31 May 2008 and Michael Rasmussen was
elected member of the Board as from 1 June 2008. Christian Clausen
continues as Chairman of the Board and Arne Liljedahl and Peter
Schütze as members of the Board. Markku Pohjola will retire on 31
July 2008.

Risks and uncertainties
Nordea's revenue base reflects the Group's business with a large and
diversified customer base, comprising both retail and corporate
customers, representing different geographic areas and industries.
Nordea has mainly an exposure to the general and industry specific
economic development in the geographical areas in which the Group

Nordea's main risk exposure is credit risk. The Group also assumes
market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk. There is no major
change to the risk composition of the Group compared to what is
disclosed in the 2007 Annual Report.

None of the above exposures and risks is expected to have any
significant adverse effect on the Group or its financial position in
the next six months.

Within the framework of normal business operations, the Group faces
claims in civil lawsuits and other disputes, most of which involve
relatively limited amounts. None of these disputes is considered
likely to have any significant adverse effect on the Group or its
financial position in the next six months.

New Group organisation from 1 June 2008
Nordea's Group organisation was revised from 1 June 2008, in line
with the next steps in the development of the Group's operating

To further strengthen customer-orientation and local market focus and
teamwork, a new position as national Head of Banking responsible for
customer relations has been established in each of the four Nordic
markets reporting to the Head of Nordic Banking.

Product development and product management will be enhanced by the
establishment of a new product area, Capital Markets and Savings.

High quality and efficiency in product deliveries, technology and
support will be targeted in the new combined product and operations
area, Banking Products and Group Operations.

Outlook 2008
Signs of slowing international economic growth particularly in the US
and in large parts of Europe, are becoming increasingly apparent. The
Nordic economies have so far been relatively resilient in the face of
the international slowdown, but the uncertainty has gradually

Nordea Group's lending growth is expected to be lower in the
remaining part of the year, but still at a high level. Corporate
lending margins are expected to increase further.
Consensus for international equity markets continues to be fairly
negative and therefore, Nordea Group does not foresee any significant
improvement in commission income in the medium term.

In view of the uncertainty of Nordic macroeconomic growth prospects,
the development in equity markets and the volatile financial markets,
the uncertainty as to Nordea Group's outlook has increased
correspondingly. Nordea Group still expects customer operations to
deliver according to plans.

Nordea Group previously has communicated an expected growth in
risk-adjusted profit of 5-10%. Nordea Group now expects to deliver a
growth of approx. 5%, excluding the gain from the sale of NCSD.
However, the development in the financial markets will affect the
outcome and determine whether the growth will be somewhat above or
below 5%. Nordea Bank Finland is expected to contribute to the

Cost growth for Nordea Group for 2008 is expected to be somewhat
higher than the growth rate in 2007.

The overall quality of the credit portfolio of Nordea Group remains
strong, only the Baltic countries show increasing impaired loans
although from a very low level. For the second half of 2008, Nordea
Group expects somewhat higher net loan loss charges than in the first
half of the year.

                       Stockholm, 21 July 2008
                         Board of Directors

Key financial figures

Income statement

                                   Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Change   Full year
EURm                                  2008    2007      %        2007
Net interest income                    855     744     15       1,531
Net fee and commission income          146     159     -8         315
Net gains/losses on items at fair
value                                  379     249     52         586
Equity method                            1      -1   -200           2
Other income                            13      28    -54         169
Total operating income               1,394   1,179     18       2,603

Staff costs                           -276    -254      9        -515
Other expenses                        -193    -184      5        -375
Depreciation of tangible and
intangible assets                      -15     -14      7         -29
Total operating expenses              -484    -452      7        -919

Profit before loan losses              910     727     25       1,684
Loan losses                            -26      16   -263          20
Impairment of securities held as
financial non-current assets             0       0                  0
Disposals of tangible and
intangible assets                        0       0                  0
Operating profit                       884     743     19       1,704
Income tax expense                    -195    -191      2        -339
Net profit for the period              689     552     25       1,365

Business volumes, key items

                                 30 Jun  30 Jun Change  31 Dec Change
EURm                               2008    2007      %    2007      %
Loans and receivables to the
public                           66,500  56,404     18  60,597     10
Deposits and borrowings from
the public                       43,085  37,067     16  41,709      3
Equity                           10,629  10,032      6  10,793     -2
Total assets                    176,666 136,995     29 147,254     20

Ratios and key figures

                                        Jan-Jun Jan-Jun     Full year
                                           2008    2007          2007
Return on equity, %                        12.9     9.4          11.2
Cost/income ratio, %                         35      38            35
Tier 1 capital ratio[1],[2], %             12,8    13.7          13.7
Total capital ratio[1],[2], %              14,2    15.5          15.3
Tier 1 capital[1],[2], EURm               9,833   9,107         9,725
Risk-weighted assets[1], EURm            76,749  66,460        71,044
Number of employees (full-time
equivalents)[1]                           9,631   9,307         9,347

    [1] End of period.
    [2] Jan-Jun figures excluding profit for the period

Formulas used

Return on equity, %:
100 x (Operating profit after taxes) / (Shareholders' equity (average
for beginning and end of year))
Cost/income ratio, %:
100 x (Total operating expenses/Total operating income)

Half-year development

                                          Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
Net fee and commission income, EURm          2008    2007
Asset Management commissions                   23      27
Life insurance                                  4       7
Brokerage                                      10      22
Custody                                        26      19
Deposits                                        2       2
Total savings related commissions              65      77
Payments                                       73      73
Cards                                          22      22
Total payment commissions                      95      95
Lending                                        37      44
Guarantees and documentary payments            39      28
Total lending related commissions              76      72
Other commission income                        34      23
Fee and commission income                     270     267

Payment expenses                              -29     -23
Other commission expenses                     -95     -85
Fee and commission expenses                  -124    -108
Net fee and commission income                 146     159

                                               Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
General administrative expenses, EURm             2008    2007
Staff                                             -276    -254
Information technology[1]                          -61     -59
Marketing                                          -18     -15
Postage, telephone and office expenses             -21     -19
Rents, premises and real estate expenses           -42     -40
Other                                              -51     -51
Total                                             -469    -438

   [1] Refers to IT operations, service expenses and consultant fees.
Total IT-related costs including staff etc, were EUR 85m in the first
half  of 2008 (EUR 77m in the first half of 2007).

Segment reporting

                               Inst. &        Other
                 Nordic     International   customer
                 Banking       Banking     operations   Total customer areas
EURm             Jan-Jun       Jan-Jun       Jan-Jun       Jan-Jun
units           2008   2007    2008  2007   2008   2007    2008   2007   %
Net interest
income           550    509      85    64     12     12     647    585   11%
Net fee and
income           230    278      54    47    -83    -81     201    244  -18%
on items at
fair value        76     56      26    17    249    161     351    234   50%
Equity method      1      0       0     0      0      0       1      0
Other income       5      6       1     0      0      0       6      6    0%
income           862    849     166   128    178     92   1,206  1,069   13%
Staff costs     -146   -144     -31   -25    -21    -24    -198   -193    3%
expenses        -236   -222     -23   -24     13      5    -246   -241    2%
of tangible
assets            -2      0      -1    -2      0      0      -3     -2   50%
expenses        -384   -366     -55   -51     -8    -19    -447   -436    3%
Loan losses       -8     41     -21   -35      0      0     -29      6 -583%
Disposals of
tangible and
assets             0      0       0     0      0      0       0      0
profit           470    524      90    42    170     73     730    639   14%

Balance sheet
Loans and
to the public 46,562 38,038  13,728 4,286      0      0  60,290 42,324   42%
Other assets     528    484  35,872 1,276 52,507 38,257  88,907 40,017  122%
Total assets  47,090 38,522  49,600 5,562 52,507 38,257 149,197 82,341   81%
Deposits and
the public    32,323 26,616   6,850 2,303      0      0  39,173 28,919   35%
liabilities   14,297 11,382  42,660 3,217 52,337 38,184 109,294 52,783  107%
liabilities   46,620 37,998  49,510 5,520 52,337 38,184 148,467 81,702   82%
Equity           470    524      90    42    170     73     730    639   14%
and equity    47,090 38,522  49,600 5,562 52,507 38,257 149,197 82,341   81%

Segment reporting, continued

                            Other                       Group
               Group Corporate Group Functions
                   Centre      and Eliminations         Total
EURm               Jan-Jun         Jan-Jun          Jan-Jun
units             2008    2007     2008    2007    2008    2007   %
Net interest
income             180     137       28      22     855     744   15%
Net fee and
income              -1      -1      -54     -84     146     159   -8%
on items at
fair value          -4      -4       32      19     379     249   52%
Equity method        0       0        0      -1       1      -1 -200%
Other income         2       2        5      20      13      28  -54%
income             177     134       11     -24   1,394   1,179   18%
Staff costs         -4      -2      -74     -59    -276    -254    9%
Other expenses      -8     -12       61      69    -193    -184    5%
of tangible
and intangible
assets               0       0      -12     -12     -15     -14    7%
expenses           -12     -14      -25      -2    -484    -452    7%
Loan losses          0       0        3      10     -26      16 -263%
Disposals of
tangible and
assets               0       0        0       0       0       0
profit             165     120      -11     -16     884     743   19%

Balance sheet
Loans and
receivables to
the public         142     121    6,068  13,959  66,500  56,404   18%
Other assets    76,252  59,645  -54,993 -19,071 110,166  80,591   37%
Total assets    76,394  59,766  -48,925  -5,112 176,666 136,995   29%
Deposits and
from the
public           3,865   4,273       47   3,875  43,085  37,067   12%
liabilities     72,364  55,373  -58,706 -18,260 122,952  89,896   37%
liabilities     76,229  59,646  -58,659 -14,385 166,037 126,963   31%
Equity             165     120    9,734   9,273  10,629  10,032    6%
and equity      76,394  59,766  -48,925  -5,112 176,666 136,995   29%

Income statement

                                            Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Full year
EURm                                 Note      2008    2007      2007
Operating income

Interest income                               2,741   2,338     4,909
Interest expense                             -1,886  -1,594    -3,378
Net interest income                             855     744     1,531

Fee and commission income                       270     267       532
Fee and commission expense                     -124    -108      -217
Net fee and commission income                   146     159       315
Net gains/losses on items at
fair value                            2         379     249       586
Profit from companies accounted for
under the equity method                           1      -1         2
Dividends                                         -       -         -
Other operating income                           13      28       169
Total operating income                        1,394   1,179     2,603

Operating expenses

General administrative
  Staff costs                                  -276    -254      -515
  Other expenses                               -193    -184      -375
Depreciation, amortisation and
impairment charges of tangible and
intangible assets                               -15     -14       -29
Total operating expenses                       -484    -452      -919

Loan losses                           3         -26      16        20
Impairment of securities held as
financial non-current asset                       0       0         0
Disposals of tangible and
intangible assets                                 0       0         0
Operating profit                                884     743     1,704
Income tax expense                             -195    -191      -339
Net profit for the period                       689     552     1,365

Attributable to:
Shareholders of Nordea Bank
Finland Plc                                     688     551     1,363
Minority interests                                1       1         2
Total                                           689     552     1,365

Balance sheet

                                           30 Jun    31 Dec    30 Jun
EURm                               Note      2008      2007      2007
Cash and balances with central
banks                                       1,712     1,953     1,965
Treasury bills and other
eligible bills                              1,995     2,149     2,230
Loans and receivables to
credit institutions                 4      56,395    45,549    41,365
Loans and receivables to the
public                              4      66,500    60,597    56,404
Interest-bearing securities                 2,292     2,215     1,090
Financial instruments pledged
as collateral                                   -         -        25
Shares                                        982     1,465       986
Derivatives                         6      43,686    30,731    30,440
Fair value changes of the hedged
items in portfolio hedge
of interest rate risk                        -106       -45       -95
Investments in associated
undertakings                                   79        76        78
Intangible assets                              53        48        23
Property and equipment                        112       110        94
Investment property                             4         4         4
Deferred tax assets                             2       136       332
Current tax assets                             83        21        10
Retirement benefit assets                      66        59        55
Other assets                                2,067     1,412     1,421
Prepaid expenses and accrued
income                                        744       774       568
Total assets                              176,666   147,254   136,995

Deposits by credit
institutions                               38,432    26,789    22,054
Deposits and borrowings from
the public                                 43,085    41,709    37,067
Debt securities in issue                   32,968    29,635    30,208
Derivatives                         6      44,134    32,012    30,869
Fair value changes of the hedged
items in portfolio hedge
of interest rate risk                         -57       -77      -139
Current tax liabilities                       113        56        40
Other liabilities                           4,940     3,970     4,264
Accrued expenses and prepaid
income                                      1,075       979       907
Deferred tax liabilities                       47        33        24
Provisions                                     52        45        89
Retirement benefit obligations                 44        40        46
Subordinated liabilities                    1,204     1,270     1,534
Total liabilities                         166,037   136,461   126,963

Equity                              7

Minority interests                              6         7         6

Share capital                               2,319     2,319     2,319
Share premium account                         599       599       599
Other reserves                              2,928     2,929     2,899
Retained earnings                           4,777     4,939     4,209
Total equity                               10,629    10,793    10,032
Total liabilities and equity              176,666   147,254   136,995

Assets pledged as security for own
liabilities                                 8,699     7,311     7,018
Other assets pledged                            -         -       252
Contingent liabilities                     16,693    13,201    10,675
Commitments excluding
derivatives                                17,962    16,787    16,138
Derivative commitments                  3,449,783 3,016,978 2,714,442

Statement of recognised income and expense

                                            Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Full year
EURm                                           2008    2007      2007
Currency translation differences during
the period                                        0       2         2
Available-for-sale investment:
  Valuation gains/losses taken to
equity                                           -1       -         1
Group contribution                                -       -       -54
Tax on items taken directly to or
transferred from equity                           0       -         0
Net income recognised directly in
equity                                           -1       2       -51
Net profit for the period                       689     552     1,365
Total recognised income and expense for
the period                                      688     554     1,314

Attributable to:
Shareholders of Nordea Bank Finland Plc         687     553     1,312
Minority interests                                1       1         2
Total                                           688     554     1,314

Cash flow statement

                                            Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Full year
EURm                                           2008    2007      2007
Operating activities
Operating profit                                884     743     1,704
Adjustments for items not included in
cash flow                                        45     142       -31
Income taxes paid                               -50     -55       -69
Cash flow from operating activities
before changes in operating assets
and liabilities                                 879     830     1,604
Changes in operating assets and
liabilities                                   4,269     151     1,907
Cash flow from operating activities           5,148     981     3,511
Investing activities
Sale/acquisition of group
undertakings                                      -      13        73
Sale/acquisition of associated
undertakings                                     -7       6        24
Property and equipment                          -17     -26       -63
Intangible assets                               -15      -3       -33
Other financial fixed assets                     19       0        -4
Cash flow from investing activities             -20     -10        -3
Financing activities
Issued/amortised subordinated
liabilities                                     -43    -131      -415
Dividend paid                                  -850  -4,000    -4,000
Other changes                                    -2       2      -126
Cash flow from financing activities            -895  -4,129    -4,541

Cash flow for the period                      4,233  -3,158    -1,033

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
of period                                    15,434  16,467    16,467
Exchange rate difference                          0       -         0
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
period                                       19,667  13,309    15,434
Change                                        4,233  -3,158    -1,033

Cash and cash equivalents                    30 Jun  30 Jun    31 Dec
The following items are included in cash
and cash equivalents (EURm):                   2008    2007      2007
Cash and balances with central banks          1,712   1,965     1,953
Loans and receivables to credit
institutions, payable on demand              17,955  11,344    13,481

Cash comprises legal tender and bank notes in foreign currencies.
Balances with central banks consist of deposits in accounts with
central banks and postal giro systems under government authority,
where the following conditions are fulfilled:
- the central bank or the postal giro system is domiciled in the
country where the institution is established
- the balance on the account is readily available at any time.

Loans and receivables to credit institutions, payable on demand
include liquid assets not represented by bonds or other
interest-bearing securities.

Note 1 Accounting policies
NBF's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance
with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) endorsed
by the EU, the Finnish Accounting Act and to applicable parts
according to the Finnish Credit Institutions Act, the Financial
Supervision Authority's regulations and Guidelines and the Decree of
the Ministry of Finance on the financial statements and consolidated
financial statements of credit institutions.

These statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34"Interim Financial Reporting". The interim report is unaudited.

Changed accounting policies and presentation
The accounting policies, basis for calculations and presentation are,
in all material aspects, unchanged in comparison with the Annual
Report 2007, except for the presentation of received dividends and
income from private equity funds and other shares in the income
Dividends received from group undertakings and associated
undertakings are recognised on the separate income line "Dividends"
in the parent company. In the group, dividends from group
undertakings are eliminated and dividends from associated
undertakings are reclassified to "Investments in associated
undertakings". All other received dividends are recognised as "Net
gains/losses on items at fair value". Comparative figures have been
restated accordingly.

Investments in private equity funds have been reclassified to be
valued at fair value through profit and loss according to IAS 28
rules regarding venture capital investors. Profits and losses from
these investments have been reclassified from "Other operating
income" to "Net gains/losses on items at fair value". Comparative
figures have been restated accordingly.

The table below shows the impact on the income statement in the first
half of 2008 and on the comparative figures. The impact on the
balance sheet figures is insignificant.

                   Jan-Jun 2008     Jan-Jun 2007     Full year 2007
EURm              Reported change Restated Reported Restated Reported
Net interest
income[1]              855    855      744      797    1,531    1,531
Net gains/losses
on items at fair
value                  379    364      249      185      586      541
Dividends                -      5        -        1        -       24
Other operating
income                  13     23       28       38      169      190

[1] For further information on the restatement of "Net interest
income", see Annual Report 2007 note 1 "Accounting policies".

Note 2    Net gains/losses on items at
fair value
                                              Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Jan-Dec
EURm                                             2008    2007    2007
Shares/participations and other share-related
instruments                                        53      26      89
Interest-bearing securities and other
interest-related instruments                      168     107     287
Other financial instruments                        45      19       3
Foreign exchange
gains/losses                                      113      97     207
Total                                             379     249     586

Note 3    Loan losses
                                              Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Jan-Dec
EURm                                             2008    2007    2007
Loan losses divided by class, net
Loans and receivables to credit
institutions                                       -1       0      -1
- of which write-offs and provisions               -1       0      -1
- of which reversals and recoveries                 -       -       0
Loans and receivables to the public               -17      26      -5
- of which write-offs and provisions              -55     -50    -123
- of which reversals and recoveries                38      76     118
Off-balance sheet items[1]                         -8     -10      26
- of which write-offs and provisions               -8     -11      -4
- of which reversals and recoveries                 0       1      30
Total                                             -26      16      20

Specification of loan losses
Changes of allowance accounts in the
balance sheet                                     -33       6      -3
- of which Loans and receivables                  -25      16     -29
- of which Off-balance sheet items[1]           -8     -10      26
Changes directly recognised in the income
statement                                           7      10      23
- of which realised loan losses                    -3      -1      -3
- of which realised recoveries                     10      11      26
Total                                             -26      16      20

[1] Included in Provisions in the balance sheet.

Note 4   Loans and receivables and their impairment

                                                30 Jun  31 Dec 30 Jun
EURm                                              2008    2007   2007
Loans and receivables, not impaired            122,485 105,856 97,458
Impaired loans and receivables:                    755     616    606
- Performing                                       481     405    401
- Non-performing                                   274     211    205
Loans and receivables before allowances        123,240 106,472 98,064

Allowances for individually assessed
impaired loans                                    -186    -186   -200
- Performing                                      -112    -101   -116
- Non-performing                                   -74     -85    -84
Allowances for collectively assessed
impaired loans                                    -159    -140    -95
Allowances                                        -345    -326   -295

Loans and receivables, carrying amount         122,895 106,146 97,769

                            Credit institutions       The public
                            30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun
EURm                          2008   2007   2007   2008   2007   2007
Loans and receivables,
not impaired                56,398 45,551 41,366 66,087 60,305 56,092
Impaired loans and
receivables:                     -      -      -    755    616    606
- Performing                     -      -      -    481    405    401
- Non-performing                 -      -      -    274    211    205
Loans and receivables
before allowances           56,398 45,551 41,366 66,842 60,921 56,698

Allowances for individually
assessed impaired loans          -      -      -   -186   -186   -200
- Performing                     -      -      -   -112   -101   -116
- Non-performing                 -      -      -    -74    -85    -84
Allowances for collectively
assessed impaired loans         -3     -2     -1   -156   -138    -94
Allowances                      -3     -2     -1   -342   -324   -294

Loans and receivables,
carrying amount             56,395 45,549 41,365 66,500 60,597 56,404

Note  4, continued

Reconciliation of allowance accounts for impaired loans

                       institutions       The public           Total
                        Indi-  Collec- vidually  Collec-    Indi-  Collec-
Loans and            vidually   tively assessed   tively vidually   tively
receivables, EURm    assessed assessed          assessed assessed assessed Total
Opening balance at 1
Jan 2008                    -       -2     -186     -138     -186     -140  -326
Provisions                  -       -1      -36      -16      -36      -17   -53
Reversals                   -        0       24        4       24        4    28
Changes through the
income statement            -       -1      -12      -12      -12      -13   -25
Allowances used to
cover write-offs            -        -        9        -        9        0     9
Currency translation
differences and
reclassifications           -        -        3       -6        3       -6    -3
Closing balance at
30 Jun 2008                 -       -3     -186     -156     -186     -159  -345

Opening balance at 1
Jan 2007                    -        -     -263     -122     -263     -122  -385
Provisions                  -        0      -12      -37      -12      -37   -49
Reversals                   -        -       48       18       48       18    66
Changes through the
income statement            -        0       36      -19       36      -19    17
Allowances used to
cover write-offs            -        -       10        0       10        0    10
Currency translation
differences and
reclassifications[1]        -       -1       17       47       17       46    63
Closing balance at
30 Jun 2007                 -       -1     -200      -94     -200      -95  -295

[1] Mainly reclassification to off-balance items

Allowances and provisions
                                                 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun
EURm                                               2008   2007   2007
Allowances for items in the balance
sheet                                              -345   -326   -295
Provisions for off balance sheet items              -41    -33    -73
Total allowances and provisions                    -386   -359   -368

Key ratios
                                                 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun
                                                   2008   2007   2007
Impairment rate, gross[2], %                        0.6    0.6    0.6
Impairment rate, net[3], %                          0.5    0.4    0.4
Total allowance rate[4], %                          0.3    0.3    0.3
Allowance rate, impaired loans[5], %               24.6   30.2   33.0
Non-performing loans and receivables, not
impaired[6], EURm                                    25      6      5

[2] Individually assessed impaired loans and receivables before
allowances divided by total loans and receivables before allowances,
[3] Individually assessed impaired loans and receivables after
allowances divided by total loans and receivables before allowances,
[4] Total allowances divided by total loans and receivables before
allowances, %
[5] Allowances for individually assessed impaired loans and
receivables divided by individually assessed impaired loans and
receivables before allowances, %
[6] Past due loans and receivables, not impaired due to future cash
flows (included in Loans and receivables, not impaired).

Note 5   Classification of financial instruments

                   Loans  Held         Assets    used   Avai-
                     and    to    Held     at     for   lable
                 receiv- matu-     for   fair   hedg-     for
EURm               ables  rity trading  value     ing    sale   Total
Financial assets
Cash and
balances with
central banks      1,712     -       -      -       -       -   1,712
Treasury bills
and other
eligible bills         -     -   1,995      -       -       -   1,995
Loans and
receivables to
institutions      49,888     -     558  5,949       -       -  56,395
Loans and
receivables to
the public        66,500     -       -      -       -       -  66,500
securities             -     -     530  1,757       -       5   2,292
pledged as
collateral             -     -       -      -       -       -       -
Shares                 -     -     958     24       -       0     982
Derivatives            -     -  43,538      -     148       -  43,686
Fair value
changes of the
hedged items in
portfolio hedge
of interest rate
risk                -106     -       -      -       -       -    -106
Other assets       1,201     -       -    861       -       -   2,062
Prepaid expenses
and accrued
income               489     -       -      -       -       -     489
Total 30 Jun
2008             119,684     -  47,579  8,591     148       5 176,007

Total 31 Dec
2007             103,733     -  35,011  7,605     171       6 146,526
Total 30 Jun
2007             100,275     -  35,015    754     218       5 136,267

                                       Liabi-   tives   Other
                                       lities    used  finan-
                                  Held     at     for    cial
                                   for   fair   hedg-  liabi-
EURm                           trading  value     ing  lities   Total
Deposits by
institutions                       177      -       -  38,255  38,432
Deposits and
borrowings from
the public                           -      -       -  43,085  43,085
Debt securities
in issue                         5,234      -       -  27,734  32,968
Derivatives                     43,764      -     370       -  44,134
Fair value
changes of the
hedged items in
portfolio hedge
of interest rate
risk                                 -      -       -     -57     -57
liabilities                          7      -       -   4,924   4,931
Accrued expenses
and prepaid
income                               -      -       -     705     705
liabilities                          -      -       -   1,204   1,204
Total 30 Jun
2008                            49,182      -     370 115,850 165,402

Total 31 Dec
2007                            36,925  1,910     398  96,726 135,959
Total 30 Jun
2007                            35,620      -     244  90,597 126,461

Note 6

Fair value      30 Jun 2008        31 Dec 2007        30 Jun 2007
EURm         Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
held for
derivatives  29,367      30,088 19,325      19,792 22,370      22,848
derivatives   1,158       1,533  1,386       1,909  1,551       1,906
derivatives   8,318       7,564  7,382       7,445  4,699       4,305
derivatives   2,208       2,140  1,163       1,177    664         634
derivatives   2,487       2,439  1,304       1,291    938         932
Total        43,538      43,764 30,560      31,614 30,222      30,625

used for
derivatives     147          46    171          84    152         112
derivatives       -           -      -           -      -           -
derivatives       1         324      0         314     66         132
Total           148         370    171         398    218         244

Total fair
derivatives  29,514      30,134 19,496      19,876 22,522      22,960
derivatives   1,158       1,533  1,386       1,909  1,551       1,906
derivatives   8,319       7,888  7,382       7,759  4,765       4,437
derivatives   2,208       2,140  1,163       1,177    664         634
derivatives   2,487       2,439  1,304       1,291    938         932
Total        43,686      44,134 30,731      32,012 30,440      30,869

amount                   30 Jun             31 Dec             30 Jun
EURm                       2008               2007               2007
held for
derivatives           2,569,170          2,183,814          2,005,625
derivatives              23,196             21,962             24,873
derivatives             723,008            676,382            555,220
derivatives             100,974             94,624             85,695
derivatives              11,745             10,472             10,563
Total                 3,428,093          2,987,254          2,681,976

used for
derivatives              18,299             26,139             27,756
derivatives                   -                  -                  -
derivatives               3,391              3,585              4,710
Total                    21,690             29,724             32,466

derivatives           2,587,469          2,209,953          2,033,381
derivatives              23,196             21,962             24,873
derivatives             726,399            679,967            559,930
derivatives             100,974             94,624             85,695
derivatives              11,745             10,472             10,563
Total                 3,449,783          3,016,978          2,714,442

Note 7   Equity
                   Attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank
                                   Finland Plc
                        Share premium    Other Retained         Minority  Total
EURm               capital[1] account reserves earnings  Total interests equity
Opening balance at
1 Jan 2008              2,319     599    2,929    4,939 10,786         7 10,793
Net change in
investments, net
of tax                      -       -       -1        -     -1         -     -1
differences                 -       -        -        0      0         -      0
Net income
directly in equity          -       -       -1        0     -1         -     -1
Net profit for the
period                      -       -        -      688    688         1    689
Total recognised
income and expense
in equity                   -       -       -1      688    687         1    688
payments                    -       -        -        0      0         -      0
Dividend for 2007           -       -        -     -850   -850         -   -850
Other changes               -       -        -        0      0        -2     -2
Closing balance at
30 Jun 2008             2,319     599    2,928    4,777 10,623         6 10,629

                   Attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank
                                   Finland Plc
                        Share premium    Other Retained         Minority  Total
EURm               capital[1] account reserves earnings  Total interests equity
Opening balance at
1 Jan 2007              2,319     599    2,899    7,656 13,473         6 13,479
Net change in
investments, net
of tax                      -       -        1        -      1         -      1
Group contribution          -       -        -      -54    -54         -    -54
differences                 -       -        0        2      2         -      2
Net income
directly in equity          -       -        1      -52    -51         -    -51
Net profit for the
year                        -       -        -    1,363  1,363         2  1,365
Total recognised
income and expense
in equity                   -       -        1    1,311  1,312         2  1,314
payments                    -       -        -        1      1         -      1
Dividend for 2006           -       -        -   -4,000 -4,000         - -4,000
Other changes               -       -       29      -29      0        -1     -1
Closing balance at
31 Dec 2007             2,319     599    2,929    4,939 10,786         7 10,793

                   Attributable to shareholders of Nordea Bank
                                   Finland Plc
                        Share premium    Other Retained         Minority  Total
EURm               capital[1] account reserves earnings  Total interests equity
Opening balance at
1 Jan 2007              2,319     599    2,899    7,656 13,473         6 13,479
differences                 -       -        -        2      2         -      2
Net income
directly in equity          -       -        -        2      2         -      2
Net profit for the
period                      -       -        -      551    551         1    552
Total recognised
income and expense
in equity                   -       -        -      553    553         1    554
payment                     -       -        -        0      0         -      0
Dividend for 2006           -       -        -   -4,000 -4,000         - -4,000
Other changes               -       -        -        -      -        -1     -1
Closing balance at
30 Jun 2007             2,319     599    2,899    4,209 10,026         6 10,032

[1] Total number of shares registered was 1,030.8 million (31 Dec
2007: 1,030.8 million, 30 Jun 2007: 1,030.8 million).

Note 8   Capital adequacy
Capital Base
                                30 June       31 Dec      30 Jun
EURm                              20081         2007     2007[1]
Tier 1 capital                    9 833        9 725       9 107
Total capital base               10 908       10 875      10 311

[1] Excluding profit. Figures as of 30 June 2007 are revised.

                              30               31
                    30 Jun   Jun      31 Dec  Dec      30 Jun  30 Jun
                      2008  2008        2007 2007     2007[2] 2007[2]
                   Capital           Capital          Capital
EURm           requirement   RWA requirement  RWA requirement     RWA
                              67               61
Credit risk          5 387   340       4 923  539       4 836  60 446
                              25               22
IRB foundation       2 015   192       1 838  971       1 938  24 228
 - of which                   19               18
corporate            1 556   448       1 468  341       1 515  18 935
 - of which                                     4
institutions           444 5 548         352  403         392   4 897
 - of which
other                   15   196          18  227          31     396

                              42               38
Standardised         3 372   148       3 085  568       2 897  36 218
 - of which                   15               14
retail               1 253   657       1 187  838       1 224  15 301
 - of which
sovereign                2    19           6   77           5      66
 - of which                   26               23
other                2 117   472       1 892  653       1 668  20 851

Market risk            161 2 007          95  189          85   1 063
 - of which
trading book,
VaR                    111 1 379          78  982          60     750
 - of which
trading book,
non-VaR                 50   628          17  207          25     313
 - of which
FX, non-VaR              0     0           0    0           0       0

Operational                                     3
risk                   318 3 975         272  403         272   3 403
Standardised           318 3 975         272  403         272   3 403
                              73               66
Sub total            5 866   322       5 290  131       5 193  64 912

Adjustment for
according to
transition                                      4
rules                  274 3 427         394  913         103   1 288
                              76               71
Total                6 140   749       5 684  044       5 296  66 200

Capital ratio                                 Jun      31 Dec  30 Jun
                                             2008        2007 2007[2]
Tier I ratio,
%, incl.
profit                                       13,7        13,7    14,5
Capital ratio,
%, incl.
profit                                       15,1        15,3    16,4
Tier I ratio,
%, excl.
profit                                       12,8        11,8    13,8
Capital ratio,
%, excl.
profit                                       14,2        13,4    15,6

[2] Figures as of 30 June 2007 are revised.

Analysis of capital requirements
                                           Average      Capital
                                      risk-weight, requirement,
Exposure class                                   %         EURm
Corporate                                       55        1 556
Institutions                                    24          444
Retail                                          51        1 253
Sovereign                                        0            2
Other                                           37        2 132
Total credit risk                                         5 387


Interim Report January-June 2008.pdf