Decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Agrowill Group AB shareholders

On 21 July 2008 the Extraordinary General Meeting of Agrowill Group, AB 
(hereinafter ‘the Company') shareholders took place.

Decisions of the meeting are the following:

1. Regarding increase in share capital of the Company.
To increase the share capital of Agrowill Group AB from LTL 26.142.732 
(EUR 7.571.459) to LTL 30.777.777 (EUR 8.913.860) by issuing 4.635.045 
new ordinary registered shares with nominal value of LTL 1,00 (EUR 0,29) 
each; to combine the new issue of shares with the current issue of the 
Company's shares, which are listed in the official list of the Vilnius 
Stock Exchange (ISIN code LT0000127466), simultaneously granting the 
possibility to the owners of the shares to trade in the official list 
of the Vilnius Stock Exchange.

The issue price for 4.635.045 new shares is LTL 26.883.261 
(EUR 7.785.931), i.e. LTL 5,80 (EUR 1,68) per share. 

The payment for new shares will be done in cash contribution. 
Other conditions, not covered by decisions of the shareholders meeting 
(such as emission timing, etc.) will be defined by the Board of the Company. 

If during the defined period of time not all new emission shares are
subscribed, the share capital will be increased by the nominal value of 
shares subscribed. Based on this, the Board of the Company will have to 
amend the share capital and number of shares in the Articles of 
Association accordingly, and to provide amended Articles of Association 
to the State Register.  

2. Regarding the recall of priority to acquire the new share issue.
To recall the priority of all shareholders to acquire the newly issued
4.635.045 units of ordinary registered shares of Agrowill Group AB, based on
the law of public companies of the Republic of Lithuania article No.20, 
part I, p. 12, and article No.57, p. 5, p. 7.

Reason for the recall is to increase the trading activity of the Company's 
shares on the Vilnius Stock Exchange and to grant the possibility to the 
biggest shareholder ZIA valda UAB to make additional significant investment 
in the Company's activities. 

3. Regarding granting priority rights to acquire the new share issue.
3.1 To grant priority to ŽIA valda UAB (company code 124211277, address:
Smolensko str. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania) to acquire part of new shares, i.e.
3.090.030 units of ordinary registered Agrowill Group AB shares with nominal
value LTL 1,00 (EUR 0,29) each at LTL 5,80 (EUR 1,68) per share. 
3.2. To grant priority to Finasta rizikos valdymas UAB (company code 300045450,
address: Konstitucijos av. 23, Vilnius, Lithuania) to acquire part of new
shares, i.e 1.545.015 units of ordinary registered Agrowill Group AB shares
with nominal value LTL 1,00 (EUR 0,29) each at LTL 5,80 (EUR 1,68) per share. 
The shares alloted to Finasta rizikos valdymas UAB, will be distributed publicly
to the retail investors.

4. Regarding the approval of Articles of Association.
Considering the share capital increase to approve new version of Articles 
of Association.

New version of Articles of Association is enclosed to the Minutes of the 
Shareholders meeting. 

5. Regarding the commission of Company's Director.
To authorize and commission Company‘s general manager Mr. Valentas Šulskis 
to submit decisions of the Extraordinary shareholders meeting to the State 
Register of Enterprises, to sign the shares issue agreements and to take other 
actions to ensure proper realization of decisions of this shareholders meeting.

Domantas Savičius
+370 5 2335340