Gain Inspiration From the Tale of the Coastal Cliff Dweller: A Guide to Transformation and a Poem Gifting to You the Inspirational Flame -- New Book Teaches You to Connect With God Through Nature's Healing Energies

MONTEREY, Calif., July 23, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- In life, problems and despair can blind you from God's presence and the blessings that have always been there. Author Nancy Huff shares The Tale of the Coastal Cliff Dweller, a guide that will help in our spiritual transformation and opening ourselves to God. Find your place and look for God.

The Tale of the Coastal Cliff Dweller is a story to encourage and motivate people towards understanding how to allow and let in the energies of nature. It identifies sacred spots for yourself, and teaches you to connect with the natural world in these special places so you may see God. These special places will open you up to experience a feeling of love and joy. This renewal spot can help you heal your daily life and allow you to explore new projects or ideas, improving your quality of life and relationships. Observation, inhaling and understanding helps open you to success. Find your spot and give it a try every day. Recharge everyday and practice feeling good!

This exercise to activate transformational change from within you by connecting yourself with nature's color, light, and beauty, is like any other skill a person can learn, develop, and integrate into their life. The author shares this inspirational flame to understand the healing aspects of nature and focus into a new reality. Life is a cycle and you can change, grow, and expand in new regions of your life with great confidence. Fill your heart with goodness; all is yours by asking, seeing, and incorporate the inheritance of goodness that is yours. From inside your mind, grab the wonder of nature.

Life is so short. The time to act is now. It is not what you did wrong but all the directions and experiences you missed out on. When one chapter closes then another opens. Go to the edges, or backwards and waste your life resources. Wake up, seize the moment and have a wonderful life! Every second counts as life slips away and chances are lost. Seek to enjoy the rocky crags of life, the trails of offbeat hollows, windy gullies, and your deep sighs, laughs, and joyfulness. Capture those enchanting moments by creating them now!

About the Author

Nancy Huff had a sick son for 2 1/2 years and found herself broken and exhausted with nothing left of herself. But, she was seeing her blessings and recuperating from nature. She wants to share with you her special places inside and out. She and her son are now reconstructing their lives and it is better than ever with the healing power of nature. She has picked up her life from pieces many times and would like to share with you how to understand change and practice for transformation.

We must always remember that we are in a very rich land. I was living on $20.00 a day in a semi-vacation state called "homelessness" in my truck. Yet, I am rich. The average cost of a human being in the world is $2.00 a day. Please keep your life in perspective and enjoy every moment for we are in the richest land of the world. Don't waste your opportunity to be great! This book illustrates the practices of healing in nature. -- Nancy Huff

 The Tale of the Coastal Cliff Dweller: A Guide to Transformation and
      a Poem gifting to you the Inspirational Flame by Nancy Huff
                  Publication Date: January 29, 2008
 Photography and Philosophy Book; $19.99; 50 pages; 978-1-4257-5194-4

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