Discover John's Messages to Us in His Gospel -- New Book is a Comprehensive Review of the Gospel of John

SODA SPRINGS, Idaho, July 23, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- John The Beloved knew the Savior during his entire life and during the Savior's short mission. He knew the Savior better than any other person and was compelled to write a history of the Savior that has no parallel. John wrote with purpose. He had messages to send to the Saints long after other writings had been completed. To find out why he wrote and the message he wanted us to put into our hearts, readers are encouraged to anticipate the release of John the Evangelist: A Message to the Saints, a compelling new book authored by Cres Smith.

John the Evangelist: A Message to the Saints is a comprehensive guide that offers readers an in-depth study of the Gospel of John. It reveals that John's writings contained spiritual messages to the Saints. Readers will learn John took the time to write his gospel long after the other gospels had been written and before the critical challenges to the Christian Church came after the first century. As a young man, John knew the Savior intimately since his mother was the sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Later in life, John witnessed the fruits of Jesus' ministry as the gospel was spread throughout the world. From the first page until the end, this book will give you amazing insights on St. John's life and the true nature of the Savior of the World.

To order a copy of this engaging read, feel free to visit your local bookstore or call Xlibris at (888) 795-4274 today.

About the Author

Cres Smith is the author of one other book, Tvarozna, and has been writing for about ten years. Cres has a college degree in Mathematics, providing an analytical platform for his writing. The book about the Gospel of John is a spiritual book and is based upon Cres' life's experiences and Gospel teaching. He has taught in church institutes and in church congregations. He has been a minister of the Gospel all his life and has served the Lord as needed. Cres has constantly looked to the Holy Ghost in his teachings and sought for spiritual understanding to all things. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

   John the Evangelist: A Message to the Saints * by Cres Smith
              Publication Date: April 14, 2005
      Trade Paperback; $18.69; 295 pages; 978-1-4134-8589-9
       Cloth Hardback; $28.79; 295 pages; 978-1-4134-8590-5

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